Seated Forward Bend Pose, Paschimottanasana, (puh-sh-chi-mo-ttaa-naa-suh-nuh)
paschimma (westerly/behind after) + uttana (stretched) + asana (pose)
Also Known as: Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Fold Pose, Entire Back Stretch Pose, West Stretch Pose
Pose Type: Stretching, Seated, Restorative
Difficulty: Beginner

Tune into your breath and use gravity to your advantage as you deepen into a Seated Forward Bend- your hamstrings will thank you
seated forward bend Pose Fundamentals
Rest, relax and recover in this iconic forward bending pose. Paschimottanasana is one of the best-known and most commonly practiced poses in all yoga styles, and is considered to be a foundational asana, from which many other variations and poses are developed.
The pose is accessible to beginners, but takes years to master. For this reason, and for its many physical and mental benefits, it is just as suitable for experienced students as it is for those who are only beginning to practice yoga.
The name Paschimottanasana literally translates to Intense West Stretch or Stretch of The West. The name was created as a reminiscence of old yoga rituals when yogis would practice facing the sunrise. While in Seated Forward bend, they would stretch their back – or the west side of their body, as they were bending towards the sun while practicing.
Paschimottanasana is an intense stretch, and it is important to approach it with care and to listen to your body. Sharp pain, tingling, or cramping aren’t positive signs. Don’t force yourself too deep in the pose, rather pause as soon as you feel a comfortable stretching sensation. The thing is, forcing will only cause your muscles to cramp. If you relax in the pose, your body will respond by opening up, and you will be able to go much deeper.
So, drop resistance, and focus on what’s happening in your mind. Are you allowing your body to surrender? Are you present in this moment? Are you honoring your body and its cues?Since the pose is static and is often held for long periods of time, the mental challenges may be even more pronounced than physical ones. Observe what happens within you, and try to release any emotion or thought that holds you back from fully relaxing in the pose. To achieve that, allow your breath to guide you – make it deep, rhythmic and soft.
The pose requires a good balance of passiveness and action, and we can only find that sweet spot if we harmonize our breath, mind, and body, and try to quiet down.
Some also associate the Seated Forward Bend with bowing, and believe it reminds us to stay humble. Practicing with this mindset may help us heal within, and release energetic blockages in the body. In fact, this asana stimulates all energy centers that reside in our spine, particularly Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Solar Plexus Chakra.
In this manner, it allows us not only to release tension but also to reach a restful and balanced state, on all levels – mental, physical, and spiritual. These benefits are especially noticeable if you are practicing the pose daily, and allowing yourself to hold it for longer, instead of only passing through it, with no awareness.
In another sense, the pose may help practice the 5th limb of yoga called Pratyahara, which encourages us to turn inward and withdraw our senses. In this manner, it may aid in spiritual practice and prepare us for meditation.
Seated Forward Bend & Ancient Texts
When we consider all these effects, as well as a deep release in nearly all muscles in the back of the body, it’s no wonder Paschimottanasana is one of the oldest known yoga poses.
It was mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the most important texts on yoga, written around 1500 CE. In the book, the pose is explained in a simple manner: “Stretching the legs (in front) on the ground, like a stick; bending forward, holding the toes with both hands and placing the forehead on the knees, is called Paschimottanasana”
Later, the text further emphasizes the importance of practicing the pose by saying that the pose is “the best among asanas. By this asana the pranic currents rise through sushumna, the digestive fire increases, the abdomen becomes flat, and the practitioner becomes free from diseases”.
But only you can know the biggest benefit the pose offers for you at the moment you are practicing it. By releasing energetic blockages, physical tensions, and pent-up emotions, it may help you heal, but also turn your attention within, and find not only what you want to gain from the asana, but also your yoga practice in general.

seated forward bend Pose Benefits
- Stretches hamstrings, glutes, pelvic floor, back, and calves. Lengthens the spine, keeping it toned and strong, and improves blood circulation in this area.
- Strengthens the knee and hip joints, as well as abdominal and shoulder muscles.
- Like all forward folds, this pose may help you breathe deeper and softer. To increase this benefit, try maintaining awareness of your breath while holding the pose.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs, particularly the liver, ovaries, kidneys, and the uterus. In this manner, it may help in the function of these organs and may boost the natural detoxification process in the body.
- The lower body stretch may help women during menstruation, as well as athletes who struggle with soreness and muscle tension.
- Gives relief from stress and calms the mind. Forward bends have also been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression, combat fatigue, and may prepare the mind for meditation.
How To Do seated forward bend Pose: Step-By-Step
How To Get There:
1. Begin sitting at the top of the mat with your legs extended in front of you, in Staff pose. Elongate your spine and pull the flesh from your buttocks to the sides to allow your sit bones to firmly root into the ground.
2. Squeeze your thighs to ensure the backs of your legs are also touching the ground. Flex your feet and spread the toes. Engage your core.
3. With an inhale extend your arms up, and with an exhale, fold your torso forward, maintaining a straight spine. Grab your big toes or the shins. Once you’ve reached your edge with a flat back, you can keep it that way, but you can also round it. Both versions are correct and target your body in a slightly different manner.
4. With every inhale, stretch and elongate your spine, and with every exhale relax it further into the pose. Keep your neck and head relaxed. If your forehead doesn’t reach your legs, place your arms or a cushion below it for support.
5. Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths and release. Follow up with a gentle backbend, or rest for a moment in Corpse pose.
Tips And Tricks:
- Keep your chest and shoulders open. This will not only deepen the stretch in the spine but will also allow you to breathe deeper.
- Keeping your spine long will work more on strengthening the back and spine, while relaxing your torso and rounding the back will stretch the hamstrings more. Try both options and see what works for you.
- Keep your feet flexed and energetically press your feet forward, to feel a deeper stretch and to protect the knees.
- If you need more space to rest your torso, you can slightly increase the distance between the feet.
- If keeping your legs straight is inaccessible or causes pain, you can slightly bend your knees. This will also put less pressure on the stomach.
- Regardless of your experience, try one of the variations with props we explain later in the article. These are not only helpful for beginners, but can also help advanced students to relax fully in the pose and to ensure they practice with good alignment.
- Keep your leg muscles engaged and turn your thighs inwards and up. This will give you more space to fold forward.
- Instead of forcing the pose with an attempt to touch your knees with your nose, focus on lengthening the chest and keeping your spine as long as possible. Your final goal should be to bring the belly closer to the thighs, rather than your forehead to the knees.
seated forward bend Pose Variations:
Seated Forward Bend: Seated Forward Bend With a Strap
Holding the toes or ankles helps to deepen the stretch in this pose. However, if your hamstrings are tight, or there’s any other reason that prevents you from grabbing your feet, then use a yoga strap.
Wrap the strap around the feet, and hold each end with your arms. Then lean your torso forward as much as you can, walk your hands down on the strap towards your feet, and press your feet in. Your arms should be straight, but not locked.
Seated Forward Bend Variation: Hips Elevated
Another version for those with thigh hamstrings, but also those with a tight lower back is practicing the same pose, but with hips elevated. This is a common variation, even among those who have been practicing yoga for a while, as it allows the body to relax in the stretch.
To practice this variation, simply sit on a block, a folded blanket, or a pillow before you bend forward. In this manner, it will also be easier to maintain a straight spine, and less pressure will be placed on the abdomen, which also makes it more suitable during menstruation and if you have any abdominal issues.
Seated Forward Bend – Yin Style Caterpillar With Props
In Yin yoga, this pose is called Caterpillar and is considered one of the five main archetypal poses. Archetypal poses are foundational asanas, and yin yogis believe all other positions are simply a variation of these archetypes.
Although Pachimottanasana and Caterpillar may look the same, the main difference is in your awareness and the method of practice. We are engaging our muscles while practicing the classic Seated Forward Bend, but Caterpillar is done passively and with cool muscles.
To practice in this manner, you will need to use props to allow your body to fully relax. There is no one strict rule on how to use them, and if you’ve never practiced Yin Yoga before, begin by using all options. That includes propping your hips on a blanket, placing a towel or a blanket beneath the knees, and a firm cushion or a bolster underneath your torso and head for support.
Using props in this manner will allow you to stay for a couple of minutes in the pose without pain. In Yin Yoga, this static and passive stretch is held for a minimum of 3 minutes. Relax your entire body, round the spine, and feel free to add an additional prop beneath the head to allow it to relax.
By practicing this way, you will target the deeper tissues in both the upper and lower body, which may help release tension and combat tightness and pain.
Note: If you feel any tingling, sharp pain, or cramping, immediately release the pose and add additional props to reduce the depth. Our edge in Yin Yoga is naturally less deep than in dynamic yoga, and it’s crucial to respect your boundaries to soak the full benefit of the practice.
Precautions & Contraindications:
Common misalignments
Sitting Incorrectly: Make sure you’re sitting on your sitting bones, and don’t roll back on the tailbone. If that’s difficult, elevate your hips on a blanket or a block.
Tension In The Upper Body: Your arms, shoulders, neck, and head should be completely relaxed in the pose. If you’re not able to reach your legs with your forehead, support it with your hands or a cushion.
Forcing The Edge: Don’t pull yourself in the pose, allow your core strength and gravity to do all the work. Forcing your edge may lead to injury, and won’t allow you to fully relax and soak up the maximum benefit from this pose.
Back Issues: If you have low back pain or any disorders, avoid flexing the spine. Instead of rounding when you reach your edge, keep it as straight as you can – even if that means you don’t go as deep into the pose. Additionally, avoid the pose if you have any spinal disorder, or take extra care when practicing it, like elevating your hips high on a cushion. Since not every spinal disorder is the same, it would be best to consult with a physician or an experienced instructor before you attempt it.
Injuries and Surgery: If you have an injury or have recently undergone surgery in the knees, hips, pelvis, rib cage, spine, shoulders, or abdomen, refrain from practicing this pose. Also, avoid it if you are recovering from any issue in the ligaments or connective tissues.
Pregnancy: Pregnant women should attempt a suitable modification, like the Wide Angle Forward Bend, or should completely refrain from the pose since a lot of pressure is placed on the abdomen.
Related Poses
Seated Wide Angle Forward Bend
Preparatory Poses:
Staff Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Bound Angle Pose
Counter Poses:
Reverse Plank Pose

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