Tabletop Pose, Bharmanasana (BAHR-mahn-AHS-anna)
bharma (a board for holding or table) + āsana (pose)
Also known as: Table Top Pose, Table Pose
Pose Type: Restorative, Seated, Pregnancy
Difficulty: Beginner

A transition pose. The seed of many floor poses.
Tabletop Pose Fundamentals
The Tabletop Pose can be a starting point or a transition for many floor poses.
Proper alignment in Tabletop Pose sets us up for proper alignment in poses to follow. Find a flat back, make sure that your hips are stacked over your knees, your shoulders are stacked over your wrists, and that your shins lie parallel to each other on the mat.
But, like any transition pose, taking the time to center yourself in this asana rather than overlooking it can open you up to the depth within Tabletop Pose.
tabletop Pose benefits
- Aligns the spine
- Allows you to gain more awareness through the trunk
- Grounds your energy
- Stretches wrists, forearms, and hands
- Engages the core
How To Do The tabletop Pose: Step-By-Step
1. Come down to the floor on your hands and knees.
2. Bring your knees to hip-width apart, and lay your feet down directly behind your knees.
3. Bring your palms directly under your shoulders with your fingers facing forward.4. Gaze down between your palms and allow the back to be flat by becoming aware of its curvature and readjusting.
5. Press through your palms and drop your shoulders slightly away from your ears.
6. Imagine your tail bone stretching out towards the wall behind you and your head towards the front of the room. Lengthen your spine.

Variation: Tabletop Pose With Supported Knees

If you experience pain or sensitivity in your knees when moving through tabletop, folding up a blanket for some knee padding may support you in your practice.
For more support, simply fold the blanket once more until you achieve the right thickness and support for you.
Alternatively, consider investing in a thicker yoga mat.
Variation: Tabletop Pose with forearms on blocks
If you suffer from wrist or hand complications, this variation is for you. Simply come onto two blocks with your forearms.
Related Poses
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