Sphinx Pose, Salamba Bhujangasana, (sah-LOM-bah sar-van-GAHS-anna)
shambala (supported) + bhujanga (cobra) + āsana (pose)
Pose Type: Backbends, Sciatica, Back Pain
Difficulty: Beginner

Feel powerful as you embody the mythical Sphinx with this gentle backbend.

Sphinx Pose Fundamentals
A gentle and supportive backbend, Sphynx Pose is a great entry-level backbend asana that can serve as a fantastic preparatory pose for deeper backends such as Cobra Pose.
Sphinx Pose can also be a great variation of Cobra Pose for those who suffer from any wrist or hand strains, pains, or injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This pose takes all of the pressure off the wrists whilst still providing you will all the benefits of a Cobra or Baby Cobra Pose.
You can practice Sphynx Pose both actively or passively and enjoy the benefits of this chest and lung opener.

sphinx Pose benefits
A relaxing pose for the shoulders and neck while strengthening the upper back. The sphinx pose:
- Opens your chest and lungs
- Helps to relieve stress
- A great preparatory pose for further backbends

How To Do The sphinx Pose: Step-By-Step
1. Lay down on your belly and place your forearms in front of you, palms facing down and arms shoulder width apart.
2. Bring your elbows directly under your shoulders and your hands in line with your elbows.
3. Separate your feet to hip-width and press the tops of your feet down into the mat as you spread your toes wide.
4. Slide your chest forward and up while allowing the tops of your shoulders to soften down away from your ears as you relax your neck and jaw.5. Hold the pose for 60 seconds or more and then slowly come out using your exhalation.

Related Poses
Preparatory Poses
Crocodile Pose
Counter Poses
Embryo Pose

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