Revolved Half Moon Pose, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana, (par-iv-rt-tah ar-dhah-chahn-DRAH-sah-nah)
parivrtta (revolved) + ardha (half) + chandra (moon)+ asana (pose)
Also Known as: Twisting Half Moon Pose
Pose Type: Balancing, Strengthening, Standing, Twisting
Difficulty: Intermediate

Twist, balance, detox and have fun in this twisted variation of Half Moon Pose
Revolved Half Moon Pose Fundamentals
Revolved Half Moon Pose is a peak pose that can help you deepen your twists and work on your balancing skills.
It is a twisted – and even more adventurous – variation of the Half Moon pose. The combination of a deep twist and balancing makes it quite challenging, so you’ll need to approach it with focus and awareness.
Besides being fun – the pose has a variety of other benefits, strengthening your body, building stability, and boosting your digestion and metabolism.
Revolved Half Moon Pose will improve your stamina and concentration. It may also teach you to be courageous and not to take yourself too seriously. If you fall out from the pose, get grounded through your feet and try again.
Symbolically, Half Moon represents the mid-stage between the new and full moon, balancing these two opposing energies – connecting strength with patience, passiveness with action, grounding, and energizing. That idea may lead you to a deeper intention when practicing the pose – finding balance not only physically, but also within.Energetically, the pose activates the Solar Plexus and Root Chakras, bringing a sense of security, grounding, willpower, and self-confidence.
It will also encourage you to become more aware of your body as a whole, which will help you better understand the link between breath and movement, and how to gain control of your thoughts.
Revolved Half Moon Pose Benefits
- Strengthens the back, quadriceps, psoas muscles, abs, and hips.
- Stretches the spine, glutes, hamstrings, obliques, neck, and calves.
- The effort of maintaining a steady breath in a twist may help you to become more aware of your breathing, which further develops lung function and your overall breathing quality.
- The twist massages the internal organs of the abdomen, which boosts metabolism, digestion, and detoxification.
- Builds your balance and focus.
- By moving the heart above the head, it may boost your energy and reduce stress and anxiety.
- Prepares the body for even more intense poses which combine twisting and balancing, such as Revolved Bird Of Paradise Pose.
- Relaxes the nervous system and brings a fresh supply of blood to the brain.

How To Do Revolved Half Moon Pose: Step-By-Step
How To Get There:
- Begin in Half Moon Pose, balancing on your right leg and with your left leg extended in the air behind you, so it’s parallel to the ground. The right arm is on the ground in front of your right foot.
- Now move your gaze to the floor and find a steady spot to aid you with balance.
- Square your hips and slowly bring your left fingertips down on the floor. You can place them on either side of the right foot.
- Move your right hand up to grab your right hip.
- Extend your back and pull your belly button in to create a flat back, and gain more stability.
- Now twist your torso towards the right, so that the right shoulder sits directly above the left.
- Remain there, or for an extra challenge, extend the right arm towards the sky and try to shift your gaze to the right fingertips.
- Release when you’re ready, switch your legs and try the Revolved Half Moon Pose on the other side.
Tips And Tricks:
- Flex the toes of the lifted leg and keep the muscles engaged.
- The standing leg should be straight but not hyperextended – keep a micro bend in the knee.
- If looking up makes you lose balance or strains your neck, keep looking down.
- Initiate the twist from the torso and not the hips – the hips should still be even.
- Make sure you perform the pose after you’ve already warmed up with other twists and standing poses.
- Before moving to the twist, make sure you feel stable in your standing leg.
- Keep your shoulder blades broad when holding the pose, don’t collapse in the chest.
Revolved Half Moon Pose Variations:
Half Moon Pose
Revolved Half Moon begins in Half Moon Pose – and if you struggle with the twist, you should nail the foundation first.
For Half Moon Pose, begin in the Extended Triangle with your right foot forward. Now place the left hand on your hip and shift your weight into your right foot.
Bring the right hand on the floor in front of the right foot, so it sits directly below your shoulder.
When you’re ready, lift the back leg, so it is parallel to the floor. Move your torso towards the left and reach the left arm towards the ceiling.
Next To A Wall
If you’re wobbling in the pose, practice close to a wall and use it for support.
You can either press the palm of the lifted hand or the sole of the lifted foot against the wall. Both options will help you feel more stable in the pose.
Additionally, you can also place a block underneath the bottom hand to help keep your spine long.
Bound Revolved Half Moon Pose

If you feel stable in Revolved Half Moon Pose and want to challenge yourself further, try this variation.
Begin in Bound Side Angle, binding your front thigh with your arms and clasping the hands behind your back.
Bring the back foot a bit closer to the front leg. Look down, shift your weight to the front foot, and lift your back leg up. When you’re ready, open your hips to the sides, so they are stacked just like in Half Moon Pose.
Precautions & Contraindications:
Common misalignments
Rounding the spine. The most common mistake in this asana is collapsing in the spine. This is a result of practicing before you have enough flexibility in the legs. To overcome that, place a block or two beneath the bottom arm to help keep your spine long.
Injuries and Pregnancy
Avoid the pose if you have an injury in the neck or spine. Closed twists are also not recommended for pregnant women. Finally, you might want to refrain from the pose if you have low blood pressure, as it may make you feel lightheaded because the head is below the heart.
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