Gandharva Veda Definition
The word Veda in Sanskrit comes from the root word ‘vid,’ which means to know or the knowledge of all things in the world surrounding us. The word Gandharva in Sanskrit can be translated to a skilled singer or master of music.
The Gandharva Veda is the Upaveda of the Samaveda, the Veda of music and chants.
Gandharva Veda is classically known for the capacity of sound and, ultimately, the healing potential of music to encourage balancing energies within the body.
There is a powerful healing potential from sound for our minds, bodies, and environments through listening to chanting mantras and rhythmic music. We are able to attain different states or emotions and even heal depending on the frequencies that influence our mind, body, or spirit.

Gandharva Veda Deep Dive:
In ayurvedic practice, there are certain times of day that are most beneficial to an individual’s performance and productivity based upon their particular biorhythm. This rhythm can be affected internally by negative or positive thoughts as well as externally by their environment. The type of music frequency, as well as the time of day it is played, can have different effects on individuals.
Gandharva Veda is best described as the flow of sound and how it can encourage balance, peace, and wellness for an individual.
Music therapy is not exclusive to ayurvedic practice. It has been used in many western hospitals to relieve pain and stress from patients. There have also been documented cases where music has reduced the need or amount of pain medication or anesthesia. Additional studies have shown that music can also show effects on blood pressure, metabolism rates, circulation, and pulse rates.
In Gandharva Veda, it is also believed that hearing certain melodies at the appropriate times of day will be the most favorable for enhanced results. Gandharva Veda, at the correct times, can assist in counteracting stress from your mind, your body, and your environment. Once this state of harmony is reached, you are removed from the stressors and distractions, promoting relaxation and inner awareness.
Gandharva Veda In Your Life
Gandharva Veda is based on melodic rhythms known as Ragas. Each of which is a combination of fixed elements that produce the right notes that are most beneficial to the preceding time of day. When you listen to a Raga at the correct time of day, it will bring balance between you and the Natural Laws that govern life. Listening to these musical frequencies can be used as a tool to align yourself spiritually and create your desired life.
Consider integrating music into your meditation practice to incorporate Gandharva Veda into your daily life. When you use the correct musical frequency, you will notice a transcendence as your stress melts away as you connect with your higher self.
The best practice when listening to music to achieve Gandharva Veda is to listen in a place of minimal distractions. At the same time, your body is in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. The music should offer either a relaxing wind down from a stressful day or a refreshing burst of energy if you find yourself in an unproductive state.Regardless of the time of day, Gandharva Veda musical frequencies can be played to promote a peaceful environment that reduces stress and can restore your biological rhythm.

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