Dharmachakra Mudra
Dharmachakra (wheel of Dharma) + mudra (gesture).
Ayurvedic Element – All five elements

Kalachakra is another symbol of this mudra. It refers to the continued flow of energy and inevitable time cycles.
Here, time becomes a measurement of change. We can tap into this and analyze both our external and internal cycles. This brings us closer to a better understanding of ourselves. With each analysis and with each cycle, we are coming closer to the state of enlightenment.
Dharmachakra Mudra is known to be the representation of Buddha’s teachings. It was explained that the wheel of divine law is always spinning and that there is a need to learn the basic principles in order to lead a correct and compassionate life.
In addition, it was wildly believed that those who practiced this mudra got a chance to tap into universal energy. Here the daily struggles are losing their grip, and we are attaining a calmer state of being.
All fingers are given special consideration. The right-hand fingers highlight three important Buddha teachings:
- The middle finger represents the one who is attentive to his teachings;
- The ring finger declares that each of us is a Buddha;
- The little finger is known as the “great vehicle,” the one who carries the anguish of this present reality into another world.
The three extended left-hand fingers represent three fundamental Buddhist principles: the Buddha, the Dharma (universal law), and the Sangha (community).
When we practice Dharmachakra Mudra, we are opening ourselves up to a deeper understanding of life’s cycles: birth and death. The two polarities are inextricably linked. We also come to realize the importance of our mindset and how it affects our reality.
Ayurvedic Element – All five elements
Earth (pritvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), air (vayu), and ether (akasha).
Since a calm and overall balanced state of being requires the even harmony of all elements, the practice of Dharmachakra Mudra allows you to tap into all the elements at once.True wholeness can be reached when we are able to recognize the importance of all, rather than focusing on individual elements.
This mudra teaches us that by not neglecting and separating the five main components, we can find a way to master them all. Our energy field can create space for the elements to work in harmony and continue to ascend.
Chakras – Crown Chakra
This mudra has a strong connection to almost all chakras. However, by engaging in this practice, we are strengthening our connection to the divine. For this reason, our focus is placed on the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara).
It is where our connection to the spiritual world truly lies. It is the space of unity and eternal wisdom. If this space is unbalanced, you may feel slightly afraid to tap into spiritual findings, and your focus may constantly be on the material side of things.
Similar to Ayurvedic elements, the meridians are also strongly connected to the fingers. Here we are directing our vitality to spaces where there was a lack of energy or where the energy felt somewhat unbalanced.
We are opening doors for Qi to move freely by gently stimulating the acupuncture points along the meridians in our fingers. The focus here is on our well-being.
Dharmachakra Mudra Benefits:
- Helps to find harmony and balance between the inner and outer worlds.
- Allows you to embrace your life’s purpose (your dharma). You begin to recognize your desires and the callings of the heart.
- It reveals what work still needs to be done in order to attain mindful living.
- Gives you an opportunity to build a stronger spiritual connection and gain wisdom from Buddhist teachings.
- If you are lacking concentration and overall direction, mudra helps you feel more centered.
- It uplifts your consciousness.
If you have recently been injured or experienced any discomfort in your finger or wrist, make sure to refrain from the practice.
How to perform
1. Sit nice and tall through the crown, and try to relax your jaw space;
2. Begin by coming into Jyana mudra (making a circle by joining the first finger and thumb);
3. Now bring your hands in front of your heart chakra;
4. Turn your left palm inward toward your navel;
5. The right hand is placed in the same position, just allowing the palm to face outwards;
6. Touch the left middle finger to the place where your right thumb and index finger connect;
7. Allow yourself to hold your focus on both hands;
8. You can even let your elbows splay out to the side and then go ahead and close your eyes;
9. On the inhale, send your breath deep down (through the nose), and then on the exhale, send it deep out. with each breath, slowing down the waves of the mind. Opening yourself to what is here and now and observing what comes to the surface.
Bonus Tip:
This mudra might bring a lot of different emotions and realizations. When it happens, try to remain a watcher with no deep engagement. By simply being an observer, you can let go of comparison and mental fluctuation.
When to use Dharmachakra Mudra
It is highly advisable to practice Dharmachakra Mudra while meditating in order to enhance the mudra effect.
- If you are just starting out on your meditation journey, allow yourself to commit to the practice at your own pace and posture.
- While you sit in a comfortable meditation position (lotus, easy pose) holding Dharmachakra Mudra, you are opening your own inner and outer energies. Therefore, you are creating synergy between the two. Your meditation practice will be enriched by a new sense of connection, one that is closely related to cosmic energy
- With your mind’s eye, you can also imagine that you are a seated Buddha. Allow yourself to picture how enlightenment would feel and look.
- Observe how you feel after the practice—was there a deeper sense of bliss being cultivated?
- You may wish to strengthen and extend your connection to the divine by chanting the mantra ‘Om’.
- Om Mani Padme Hum mantra (the jewels are in the lotus). It is the mantra that is at the heart of many Buddha teachings. You may wish to gently repeat this mantra while holding the mudra.
Conscious breathing is highly important while in this position. Allow yourself to even out your inhalations and exhalations, building a gentle harmony between the two.
Ujjayi breathing is also an option here. Begin by creating a slight constriction in the back of your throat. Set a consistent rhythm to your breathing, and then open yourself to the deeper sensations that may arise.
Where and When
- It is best if you can hold this mudra for 15 minutes.
- Early hours are the most suitable time to practice Dharmachakra Mudra.
- Regular and dedicated practice of the mudra is known to bring happiness and contentment to one’s life.

For more in-depth asana resources, check out our free Mudra Library. Here you’ll find complete guides to each and every yoga mudra to deepen your yoga knowledge.
Each mudra page features high-quality photos and illustrations, insights into the meridian, chakra, and ayurvedic element systems, as well as tips on how, why, and when to practice each mudra.