Hakini Mudra
Hakini (a Hindu Goddess, power) + mudra (gesture)
Ayurvedic Element – All Elements

Hakini Mudra is one of the most important hand gestures (hasta mudra) created as a way to channel and control prana, vital energy, and balance the five elements in the body.
The name translates in Sanskrit to “power” or “rule”. It refers to the power over the mind a practitioner gets when they perform this mudra.
The main purpose of the mudra is to improve concentration and connect the two sides of the body and the hemispheres of the brain.
The mudra is also named after a Hindu Goddess Hakini, who is seen as a personification of the Third-Eye Chakra. Just like the chakra she represents, Hakini also symbolizes intuition, insight ad imagination. She is often depicted with 6 heads, sitting on a two-petaled lotus flower – which also relates to the aforementioned two hemispheres of the brain.
When practicing the mudra, the intention is placed on becoming aware of one’s mind, without judgment or analysis. That allows them to develop control over their own thoughts and to become more mindful in everyday life.
Ayurvedic Element- All Elements
Some mudras are focused on only a single element, but Hakini Mudra aims to balance them all. Each finger represents one element, and in this gesture, all fingers are connected and simulated.
- Thumb = Fire (Agni)
- Index Finger = Air (Vayu)
- Middle Finger = Ether (Akasha)
- Ring Finger = Earth (Prithvi)
- Little Finger = Water (Apas)
This makes it suitable for those who don’t deal with a particular problem, such as a Fire imbalance for example, but want to feel more balanced overall.
Finding harmony in all elements allows prana to flow smoothly, which also brings balance to one’s mind and body.

Chakras- Third Eye Chakra
One of the main intentions of this mudra is to connect to the energy of the Goddess Hakini, who represents the Third Eye Chakra.
Working on our Ajna chakra allows us to develop our intuition, instinct, insight, and imagination. It is also a chakra we relate to spiritual awakening, connecting to our true selves, and finding our true purpose in this life.
Meridians- All Meridians
Just like with the Ayurvedic elements – the meridians are also connected to fingers, and this mudra brings them all to an equilibrium.
By stimulating the acupuncture points of the meridians in our fingers, we are aiding our body to reach balance or alignment. We are allowing the free flow of Qi, and directing the flow of energy to where it is needed the most. That, in turn, improves our overall mental and physical health.Hakini Mudra Benefits
- Traditionally practiced to help overcome mental illness, including anxiety and depression.
- By connecting the two hemispheres of the brain, it may help us develop our creativity and memory.
- Improves focus and concentration, and brings us back to the present moment.
- Stimulates the Third Eye Chakra, which enhances our intuition and insight.
Avoid practicing the mudra if you recently injured or had surgery on your fingers and wrists. Refrain from practicing if the mudra causes any pain.

How-To Perform Hakini Mudra
- Sit comfortably with your spine straight, traditionally in lotus pose (padmasana).
- Close your eyes and bring your gaze to the Third Eye Chakra, between the eyebrows.
- Bring your hands in front of your heart and connect all fingertips together.
- Move your hands down in front of your pelvis, and point your fingers towards the floor.
- Hold for as long as you would like.
Bonus Tip:
The advanced practice of Hakini hand gesture combines it with the Khechari mudra. This mudra involves curling the tongue and bringing it above the soft palate, and into the nasal cavity. Note that this is not intended for beginners and is best practiced under supervision.
When to use Hakini mudra
- You can perform this mudra in any seated asana where you are able to maintain a straight spine during your meditation practice, such as the kneeling yoga poses vajrasana, or easy pose (sukhasana).
- Enhance the benefit of the mudra by keeping your Drishti (gaze) on the third eye.
- This mudra is also sometimes practiced with a visualization practice, which involves moving awareness from the Root Chakra up toward the Third Eye Chakra, and down.
- Some mantras which are practiced along with this mudra are Vishnu Mantra, Shakti Mantra, and Shiva Mantra.
- You can also chant Om which is the seed mantra for the Third Eye Chakra.
- The mudra is often paired with nostril breathing, where the tongue lifts to the roof of the mouth on an inhale, and relaxes back down on an exhalation.
Where & When
- Hakini Mudra can be practiced for up to 30 minutes every day – you can divide the practice into several sessions.
- It’s recommended to practice in the morning and evening for at least two weeks to begin noticing results from the mudra.
- The best time to practice Hakini mudra is in the morning, on an empty stomach.

For more in-depth asana resources, check out our free Mudra Library. Here you’ll find complete guides to each and every yoga mudra to deepen your yoga knowledge.
Each mudra page features high-quality photos and illustrations, insights into the meridian, chakra, and ayurvedic element systems, as well as tips on how, why, and when to practice each mudra.
Thank you Ms.Sara
good imformation
Does Hakini mudra act on Pituitary, pineal and Hypothalamus?