Mom and kid yoga isn’t just a fun activity – it’s an opportunity to strengthen your bond, enjoy numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits together and to introduce them to a world of wellness that they could carry for life.
From equipping kids with techniques to reduce stress and enhance concentration, to fostering a loving and mindful connection with their bodies, yoga encourages children to explore movement milestones, gain confidence, and build strength and fitness.
And yoga for kids and parents is great for the parents, too. Finding time for a short practice is a great way to release stress and prioritize self-care amid lives that can feel very hectic.
To help inspire you into some two people yoga poses for kids, in this article, we’ll look at:
- The Safety Precautions of Kids Yoga
- 8 Mum and Kid Yoga Ideas + How To Guide
- Benefits of Yoga for Kids and Parents

Safety Precautions Of Kids Yoga
While we’ve been careful to select two people yoga poses for kids that are low of injury, it’s always important to remain mindful of safety precautions when practicing with little ones:
#1: Avoiding Overextension and Injury:
Children possess natural flexibility, which makes them great little asana practitioners – but can also make them susceptible to overextending their joints and muscles. For this reason, it’s essential to be extra vigilant about the potential for joint and muscle injuries or strains.
To help avoid injury, encourage your little ones to regularly check in with themselves, ask how they feel, and remind them that yoga isn’t a competition but about having fun, relaxing and exploring safely.
Encourage them to listen to their bodies and let them know it’s okay to exit a pose if they experience any discomfort or pain.

#2: Consider Underlying Conditions:
This one is a biggie! Always be aware of any underlying conditions or injuries that your child may have, to make sure that any chosen yoga practices aren’t going to exacerbate or complicate these issues.
For example, specific breathing techniques might not be suitable for children with conditions like asthma, bronchitis, hernias, or breathing difficulties.
Similarly, if your child experiences headaches, migraines, or blood pressure concerns, it’s recommended to steer clear of poses that place pressure on the head.
The above are just a few examples – but there are many more to be aware of. So if your child has any underlying conditions, illnesses, or injuries, we recommend checking in with a medical professional for guidance before diving into the world of kids yoga.
#3: Setting Up Safely:
Last but certainly not least – setting up a safe environment.
Ensuring a safe environment is key to an enjoyable practice and to prevent injury. Always make sure your little ones are practicing on a secure, level surface. We also recommend avoiding socks – bare feet are less likely to cause slips and falls!
Incorporating a warm-up routine and encouraging the use of props to stabilize positions and relieve strain can also be a good way to help your child avoid accidents.
If you’re thinking about taking your child to an organized kids’ yoga session, be sure to communicate with the instructor to check that the class is appropriate for your child’s age, ability, and prior experience with yoga.
Oh, and don’t forget that a safe space doesn’t just mean physical safety, but emotional safety too. Make sure your child feel calm, supported and listened to during your kid and parent yoga sessions.
12 Mom and Kid Yoga Ideas, How-to & Benefits
1. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
This is a great grounding and balancing posture that helps both mom and child improve their sense of balance and concentration. Encourage them to imagine themselves standing tall and strong like a majestic tree, rooted to the earth. How does this make them feel?

How to:
- Stand side by side, with your individual feet hip-width apart.
- Focus as you both lift one foot and place it on the inner thigh of your standing leg.
- Bring your hands together in a prayer position at your chest.
- To help with balance, find a focal point, or drishti, straight ahead of you.
- Tip: Avoid placing your foot against your knee as this will put pressure on it; aim for the inner thigh instead.
- Encourage your little one to notice the strength and stability within them, just like a tree standing tall and rooted.
- Hold this pose for 3 deep breaths, counting together. If this is easy, try again with 5 and then 10 breaths – how many can they do?
2. Partner Boat Pose
This one is a fun and engaging exercise that strengthens the core and encourages coordination and teamwork. In this pose, you and your little one are like rowers in a boat, working together to keep afloat.
Maybe you can even throw in a sea shanty or two!
How to:
- Sit facing each other, and bend your knees, so you can place your feet flat on the floor.
- Then, hold hands and slowly lean back, balancing on your sit bones, and allow your feet to lift off the ground.
- Keep holding each other’s hands and try to keep straight backs and lift your chests.
- Encourage your little one to communicate with you. Can they see how teamwork helps you stay balanced and afloat?
- Hold this pose for 3 deep breaths, counting together. If this is easy, try again with 5 and then 10 breaths. Try adding in some rowing motions to keep it interesting!
3. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Butterfly Pose is a gentle hip opener that helps create space in an often overlooked area of the body. Performing this pose together is like butterflies fluttering their wings in harmony exploring a garden.

Ask: What flowers can they see? What other animals are in the garden?
How to:
- Sit facing each other, bringing the soles of your feet together.
- Hold hands and gently flap your legs up and down like butterfly wings.
- Maintain straight spines and encourage your child to softly press their knees towards the floor.
- Avoid forcing the knees down; go only as far as feels comfortable.
- Ask your child to notice the sensations in their hips and how their breath can make the “wings” of the butterfly flutter gently.
- Explore this pose for 10 to 20 breaths or longer if you’re enjoying flying round the garden!
4. Partner Forward Fold
This forward fold duo is a soothing stretch that encourages both you and your child to help the other create space in their bodies, bonding and communicating along the way.
How to:
- Begin sitting with your legs straight and your feet touching.
- Hold hands and take turns gently leaning forward as the other partner leans back.
- Keep your backs straight and lengthen your spines.
- Avoid pushing or pulling hard; let the stretch come naturally using bodyweight.
- Encourage your child to breathe deeply and feel the gentle stretch in their legs and back.
5. Partner Wheelbarrow Pose
Partner wheelbarrow pose is a fun and strength-building pose that creates trust and confidence in ourselves and the other. Oh, and as an inversion, it’s packed full of other benefits, too!

How to:
- Ask your little one to start in a plank position on their hands and tucked toes.
- Then hold the child’s ankles, and ask them to slowly lift their legs.
- Keep your bodies aligned and engage your core muscles.
- Avoid lifting too high, as this can strain their back or wrists.
- Encourage your child to trust you completely and maintain open communication throughout the pose.
- If it feels safe and comfortable, try walking the wheelbarrow around the room as they walk with their palms on the floor.
6. Snake Pose
Snake pose is a playful yoga posture that encourages exploration of movement and fluidity, just like slithering snakes. It’s a joyful way to let go of ego and embrace the freedom of expression with your little one. Try to make each other laugh!
How to:
- Begin in a room preferably with a smooth surface (no carpet burn, thank you!) lying on your bellies, facing each other.
- Take turns lifting your upper bodies as you reach towards each other.
- Keep your legs and hips grounded on the floor as you slither and slide around the room.
- Avoid straining your neck or arching too much as this might cause compression and injury.
- Encourage your child to move like a snake, exploring gentle backbending and wiggling motions, and to notice the fluidity of their body.

7. Animal Poses
Animal pose yoga encourages you and your little ones to embrace creativity and unembarrassed playfulness while practicing yoga. It’s an opportunity to embark on a wild adventure, embodying the spirit and characters of various animals.
How to:
- In a spacious room, start seated or standing and pretend to be animals like cats, cows, or dogs (Check out our full guide here!)
- Act out the movements and sounds associated with each animal. Can you guess which animal the other person is trying to be?
- Incorporate stretches, movements, breathing, and sounds that mimic the animal.
- Really encourage your child’s use of imagination and their ability to explore different movements freely.
- After the practice, try talking about how you tried to capture each animal’s characteristics and movements to make them unique.
8. Partner Meditation
Yoga isn’t just about asana and stretching – it’s also about meditation or dharana. This partner meditation is designed to be a relaxing bonding experience, where you and your child connect while practicing mindfulness.
How to:
- Begin sitting cross-legged with your backs touching.
- Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and meditate together.
- Focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling calmly.
- Encourage your child to let go of any tension and be fully present.
- Ask your child to share their thoughts and feelings about the experience, discussing how moments of stillness can provide clarity and peace.
- Do this for around 2 minutes to begin, then gradually increase the time length as your child becomes more familiar and able with the practice.
Remember to adapt all the poses and exercises above to your child’s age, ability, and mood. Always prioritize safety and communication during your mom and kid yoga and you’ll be sure to enjoy the journey of connecting with your child!
Further Reading:
If you’ve enjoyed this article on mom and kid yoga ideas, why not check out our other articles on yoga for kids and parents below: