Want to try some yoga poses with friends?
Yoga is often viewed as a solo endeavor – a time for self-reflection, self-improvement, self-exploration and generally going inwards.
However, practicing yoga with a partner can be just as rewarding, challenging, and beneficial for your mind and body. After all, some things are simply better shared.
In fact, there are a huge number of fun yoga poses for friends that fall loosely under the category of Acroyoga – acrobatic yoga poses for two or more people.
In this article, we’ll explore the following:
- Benefits of Acroyoga
- Key Acroyoga Positions
- 7 Fun Yoga Poses For Friends
Let’s get into it!

Benefits of Acroyoga
As the name implies, Acroyoga is a playful fusion of yoga and acrobatics.
If you’re a beginner, don’t let this put you off! There are hundreds of Acroyoga poses for all levels and abilities. Pick and choose what works for you and always listen to your body.
One of the core principles of Acroyoga is teamwork. Acroyoga requires at least two people to practice, with the more complex poses involving three or even four.
Some of the main benefits of Acroyoga include:
- Challenges you in new and dynamic ways
- Strengthens new muscle groups
- Bonding experience for partners
- Pushes you out of your comfort zone
- Builds trust
- Improves communication skills
- Improves balance
- Improves flexibility
- Improves core strength
- Improves coordination and spatial awareness

the key acroyoga positions
Before we walk you through our favorite yoga poses for friends, let’s quickly break down the key positions involved in an Acroyoga pose. This will help you understand the terminology used later on.
#1: Base
The base is the foundation of the pose. This yogi supports the flying yogi(s) from the bottom and due to the strength and stability demanded to do this, is typically the strongest member of the group.
#2: Flyer
The flyer yogi is up in the air, balancing on the base’s limbs. This position requires plenty of balance, coordination, and flexibility.
Keep in mind that it’s possible to have multiple people performing the base function or multiple flyers, depending on the pose.#3: Spotter
Just like in cheerleading and weightlifting, a risky lift requires a spotter. This refers to a safety yogi who observes the bases and flyers and helps them perform safely, minimizing the risk of falls and injuries. This is especially important when attempting hard yoga poses.
The spotter can also be part of the pose itself, to provide an extra source of support and stability.

7 Fun Yoga Poses For Friends
There are certain things in life that you simply can’t do without your friends, and these yoga poses are no exception.
Whether you’re looking for poses for 2 people, 3 people, or even more, we’ve got you covered. Be confident, be careful, and have fun!
#1 Buddy Boat Pose
This is a 2-person pose. Begin by sitting face-to-face with your friend, both of you with knees bent and the soles of the feet on the floor.
Grasp each other’s hands or wrists and slowly lean back. Both partners can now experiment with raising their feet into the air, one foot at a time.
When you’re ready, rest your soles against the soles of your partners.
From here, you can both extend your legs until straight. Feel free to keep a slight bend in the knees if you experience any discomfort.
Communicate and engage your core to support your yogi buddy and boat pose!
Or try this pose with three people!

#2 Double Downward Dog Pose
This pose is a modification of one of yoga’s most iconic poses – the downward dog. This 2-person inversion provides a deep stretch for tight hamstrings and shoulders and, dare we say it, a whole new perspective.
Begin with your partner in downward dog pose. Once they feel secure and stable, stand over them with your feet on the outsides of their hands, facing away from them.
Place both hands on the mat around a foot in front of the base’s hands. Carefully lift and rest your feet, one by one, onto your buddy’s lower back. Spread and plant your toes firmly for balance.
Communicate with your base and when ready, straighten both legs so that you come into an elevated downward dog. Engage your core to find stability as you remain here for 2-4 deep breaths.
Carefully dismount by stepping your feet to the floor one-by-one. Swap roles and try this position again if you’re both comfortable.

#3 Trio Downward Dog Pose
Depending on your group size, you can transform the pose above to triple downward dog- one of the best friend yoga poses!
Begin with two yogis facing each other on all fours in tabletop pose, shoulders stacked directly above wrists and hips directly above the knees. The four hands should form a straight line.
Both should extend to downward dog pose, forming an M shape.
The flyer should then stand in between the heads of the other two and place both hands against the base of one partner’s back. Next, they should carefully lift one leg up at a time and rest both shins against the back of the other partner. Don’t attempt the downward dog pose immediately!
Once all members are stabilized, the flyer can extend from tabletop pose to downward dog, stacked on top of the other two yogis.
If you’re feeling really confident and adventurous, try moving the third leg into three-legged downward dog by raising one leg up toward the sky.
#4 Trio Dancer Pose
This is a great pose for 3 friends looking to test the limits of their balance.
Begin with all 3 partners facing each other in a triangle formation, just over an arms distance apart. Each partner should follow the same instructions at the same time.
Each shift your body weight onto your left foot, then bend your right knee to bring your right foot up off the floor. Grasp your right foot with your right hand, thumb against the sole.
Next, raise your left arm toward the ceiling, keeping it straight. Now raise your right leg up and behind you, keeping hold of it with your right hand as you do so.
Hinge forwards at the hips and use your outstretched left arm as a counterbalance. All 3 yogis should gently stack their outstretched hands in the centre of the triangle formation.
Now, kick your right foot firmly behind you to raise your leg even higher and to deepen the back bend. The firmer you push your right leg against your right hand, the higher your leg will go.
Fixate on a focus point in the room and balance here for 10 breaths. Slowly release and repeat on the other side.
#5 Trio Plank Pose
Before you dive straight in, make sure you’ve got the basic plank pose covered. Make sure you’re able to hold a solid plank for 15 full breaths.
Choose your strongest member as the base of the stack and get them to hold a solid plank, engaging the core and drawing the navel in towards the spine.
To form the ‘middle’ plank, the next member (facing the base’s feet) takes hold of the base’s ankles and carefully places the tops of their feet on the base’s shoulder blades.
Once the flyer is stabilized and has engaged their core, the top flyer can repeat the steps above (taking the middle member’s ankles, not the base’s!), carefully placing themselves at the top of the plank stack.
Keep your necks straight and engage your core for balance. To dismount, the top flyer should slower lower one foot at a time to the floor. The rest can then follow.
#6 Chair and Shoulder Stand Pose
The base begins in Chair pose – a 90-degree bend of the knees, arms outstretch, sit bones tucked under, and torso slightly tilted forward.
The second yogi should lie in front of the base with their knees tucked to their chest and then plant their feet on the base’s thighs. The base yogi should grasp the second yogi’s knees firmly whilst making sure that their back remains straight.
From here, the yogi on the floor can push through their legs into shoulder stand. Hold the pose for 15 breaths and slowly release by lowering the yogi in shoulder stand down to the floor.
#7 Camel and Supported Backbend Pose
This complex pose is a great heart-opener for both parties.
The base should begin by kneeling behind the yogi who will perform the standing backbend. The base should place their hands on the back of their partner’s thighs or tailbone, depending on height.
The standing yogi should then carefully enter a controlled standing backbend, reaching back to rest their palms on the base’s stomach or ribcage.
Once both yogis are stable, the base can reach back and enter camel pose, pushing their torso upward and outward, all the while supporting their partner.
This is one of the more difficult yoga poses for friends and would certainly benefit from the involvement of a spotter!
Final thoughts
If you enjoyed this article on best friend yoga poses and feel ready to take your practice to the next level, check out AcroYoga Explained and try your hand at these more advanced lifts.