Ayurveda literally translates to “science of life”. It is a 5000+ year-old system which is closely connected to yoga.
Throughout the ages, many sages emerged, developing a variety of techniques. They are all built upon the same foundation – the doshas or constitutions, vata, pitta, and kapha.
One of the things they realized is that physical and mental imbalances can show on the skin. This is how face mapping was born.
Ayurvedic face mapping looks at where lines, acne, discoloration, or other skin conditions appear on the face, and uses that to read your health.
Of course, we all get wrinkles as we age, but the places where they are most prominent can tell something about our body, lifestyle, and mental state.
In this article we’re going to cover:
Let’s learn about face mapping together and see if it can be another tool to learn more about ourselves.

What is Ayurvedic Face Mapping?
Face mapping is a method of diagnosis used in Ayurveda. It is also a part of ancient Chinese medicine.
It observes the blemishes, inflammation, discoloration, and lines on the face and explains how it can reflect your health.
It is therefore a type of observational diagnosis, which was used not only to identify potential issues but also to prevent future diseases.
The technique uses face zones, such as eyes, forehead, chin, etc. and attributes each zone to a certain organ or body part. In ayurveda, doshas or constitutions are also taken into account.Ayurvedic Face Zones
It is impossible to go over the entire face mapping science in a single article.
However, I found the most common skin conditions and the potential underlying causes.
I looked at various resources to find answers for each of them, to give you something solid to work with if you plan to do simple Ayurvedic face mapping for yourself or friends.
Area Of Face | Assosiacion |
Eyebrows & area in between | Liver |
Eyes | Kidneys & Bodily Fluids |
Forehead | Digestive System, Intestines & Bladder |
Cheeks | Lungs & Respiratory System |
Nose | Heart Health |
Jaw & Chin | Hormones & Reproductive System |
Neck | Thyroid & Hormines |
Let’s break that down more thoroughly!
Eyebrows and Area Between the Eyebrows
The liver is traditionally attributed to this area. If you have prominent lines or other skin conditions concentrated in this area it may mean your body is working overtime to break down toxins.
You can try improving your diet and reducing consumption of high fat foods or alcohol and see how that impacts your skin in this area.
You could also use herbs traditionally known to boost the function of the liver such as dandelion.
OF course, the line between the eyebrows can also mean you frown a lot, which can often be solved with face yoga exercises which help change facial expression habits.
The eyes are traditionally linked with the kidneys and bodily fluids.
If you have bags or dark circles, it can mean you have weak kidneys or adrenal glands. It can also mean you are drinking too much or too little water.
To overcome this, you can observe your water intake, and drink more if you usually don’t drink enough, or decrease your water intake if you feel you are drinking too much.
You can also check for food allergies and sensitivities as these can also impact your adrenal health and cause dark circles.
Crow’s feet, or prominent outer eye lines can be linked to reproductive organs, but they can also mean you squint a lot due to poor eyesight or spending a lot of time in the sun.

According to Ayurvedic face mapping, the forehead is linked to the digestive system, especially the intestines and bladder,
If you have acne, blemishes, or discoloration in the forehead, it may mean you eat too much processed foods or have imbalances in digestion.
Forehead lines may indicate you are eating too much sugar.
Improving your diet is the best way to overcome this – drink more water, eat more vegetables to get your fiber, cut on processed food, and you could even take probiotics to boost your system.
The forehead is ruled by vata dosha in ayurveda, so you can see how you could get it into balance.
Having lines on the forehead may also indicate elevated fear, anxiety, or worry, so you might think about how you could reduce these negative states, for example including meditation into your routine.
The cheeks are linked to the lungs and the respiratory system. If you have acne, broken capillaries, or discoloration there, it may be because you are under respiratory stress.
To overcome that, avoid smoking, and reduce your exposure to pollution. Consider getting an air purifier or air purifying plants.
The cheeks are also connected to the stomach and spleen, for example, red cheeks may mean you have stomach inflammation, and cheek discoloration may indicate slow metabolism or malabsorption.
Changing your diet and fasting may be good tools to improve your stomach health and metabolism.
Both cheeks and the next face zone, the nose, may also indicate excessive jealousy, anger, and frustration.
The nose is linked to heart health. According to face mapping, having a red, swelled nose or broken capillaries in this area may indicate high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems.
If you’d like to work on that, you can include more cardio into your routine, eat foods good for the heart such as nuts and fish, and monitor your blood pressure.
A horizontal line at the top of the nose is linked to allergies or a low libido.

Jaw and Chin
Issues in the jawline and chin may indicate hormonal imbalances or problems with reproductive system.
If you are a woman, you may notice changes in this area during menstruation or pregnancy.
If hormonal balance is a permanent issue, then working with a licensed health practitioner is the best route. There are natural and ayurvedic supplements for hormonal issues, but it is always good to consult with an expert.
On an emotional level, lines in the chin and mouth area are traditionally linked to attachment problems, grief, and depression.
A deep chin groove is also linked to grief, frustration, and a low sexual desire. Double chin speaks of extra weight or a weak thyroid.
The jawline and chin are a Kapha dosha-ruled area. You can learn about balancing the Kapha dosha and that could also potentially help you reach better health.
Lines at the top of the mouth are often attributed to facial movements, for example, you may purse your lips a lot if you are smoking. They also traditionally indicate an inactive sex life.
Spots on the lips may indicate worms or parasites in the colon and constipation.
The line on the side of the mouth can indicate grief or hormone imbalances.
In ayurvedic face mapping, skin irregularities on the neck are related to thyroid or hormonal imbalances.
To support thyroid health you can avoid processed food and ensure you have a good iodine intake from fish or seaweed if you’re looking for a vegetarian option.
Managing stress and meditating can also help with thyroid health.
Face Mapping and Doshas
Some Ayurvedic practitioners use face mapping as a diagnostic tool to find dosha imbalances. Acne, breakouts, lines, and discoloration are linked to different organs of the body, and each organ has a corresponding dosha – vata, kapha, and pitta.
Here is an overview of the three doshas and problem areas on the face which are traditionally linked to their imbalance:
- Vata is responsible for the organs related to locomotion and movement. Common problem areas that may indicate a Vata imbalance are fine lines around lips, forehead, and eyes.
- Pitta regulates organs responsible for digestion and metabolism. Broken capillaries, skin pigmentation, rosacea, redness, and acne on cheeks, as well as chin breakouts and an oily T-zone, can all indicate a Pitta imbalance.
- Kapha dosha regulates organs responsible for lubrication and nourishment. Breakouts and blackheads on the cheeks or around the hairline may indicate Kapha dosha is out of balance.

Ayurvedic Face Mapping Treatment
Ayurvedic face mapping is still not as common as some other diagnostics, but you can check in your area if there are any practitioners who use it in their practice. Alternatively, you can also seek treatment online.
Face mapping is only one part of the equation, as it is used for diagnostics. The difference from other facial treatments is that the main focus arent skincare products.
It is a part of it, and you will probably be recommended natural face products which are made with herbs and plant extracts traditionally known to help with your your problem areas.
However, Ayurveda is a holistic practice, and you will also be recommended ways to combat the root cause of skin problems. That is done through doshas.
You might get advice on lifestyle and diet changes you could make to get your constitution back in balance. In a way, improvement in face appearance is only a positive side effect of solving underlying causes.
What Does Science Say About It?
There are many skeptics in science, which doesn’t mean the treatment doesn’t work. We have seen times and times again that yogis knew things that modern science only later found to be true.
Furthermore, there are studies that show a direct correlation between face conditions and our overall health. It is clear that there are many underlying causes of skin problems that go beyond how we care for our skin.
If we exercise, and improve our diet and our health, that will naturally show on the face.
For example, a large study that involved 13000 adolescents showed that those who have acne also have higher rates of gastrointestinal issues, and are more likely to experience bloating.
And you can do your own study as well – nothing is stopping you from double-checking the results from your ayurvedic face mapping treatment with a physician. In fact, we recommend you to do so if there is an indication of more serious or chronic health issues.
Read more about Ayurveda: