When we consciously work with the Earth Star Chakra, we transmute the collective consciousness of fear we have implanted on Mother Earth.
– Carol Quinn
Mystical, magical, brilliant and deep… A spinning disk of black beneath your feet… A broader perspective and deeper sense of interconnectedness are key attributes of the Earth Star Chakra – Vasundhara Chakra.

History Of The Chakras
The Seven Gods have seven spears and seven lights. They hold seven glories.
– Rig Veda1 Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Rigveda. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigveda. 8.28.5 – Translated by David Frawley
Described in the Vedas2 Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Vedas. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas., a large body of religious texts from ancient India which are thought to have been compiled between 1500 and 500 BC, and derived from the Sanskrit root cakra – chakra means “wheel” or “disk”.
Chakras are concentrated energy centers of the body, often visualized and depicted as spinning wheels of light.
Rooted in the ancient philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras hold a prominent place in the science of yoga.
The chakra system says that the human body consists not only of bones, tissues and organs, but also of energy fields layered around the physical being. These layers form the subtle body, or the energy body.

The Energy Channels That Run Through The Chakras
According to Eastern medicine, we have over 72,000 invisible channels called nadis circulating through our bodies.
They carry life force energy, referred to as Prana in Indian systems and Chi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
Prana is omnipresent and omnipotent, and continuously flows through three major nadis – which connect with the thousands of minor nadis to distribute prana throughout the whole body and beyond – along the spinal column.
The three main channels start at the base of the spine and ascend through the head.
- Sushumna Nadi – The central energy channel runs from the base of the spine to crown of the head.
- Ida Nadi – The lunar energy channel represents Yin, which is symbolic of the moon, the left side of body, the feminine.
- Pingala Nadi – The solar energy channel delineates Yang, noted as the sun, the right side, the masculine qualities.
Ida and Pingala Nadis crisscross each other as they spiral upwards and connect to opposite nostrils. Where Ida and Pingala intersect with each other and Sushumna, are the seven main chakras.

The Chakras
The chakras define cross sections of the physical human body, in the form of nerve plexuses, which house organ systems.
And understanding where the gross anatomy fits into this seemingly esoteric chaos tends to open (third) eyes to the perfect organization, deeper magic and higher connections available when we unite with these inner sources that correspond to the elements out in the Universe.
Chakras are responsible for lovingly taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. When a major or minor chakra in our energetic body is blocked or not functioning properly, illness is more prone to occur – physically, psychologically and spiritually.Wellbeing on all levels can affect and is affected by the chakras.
Not taking in enough energy, through proper nourishment of the mind, body and soul, may lead to or be caused by depression. By bypassing feelings such as anger, or not speaking our truth, we may be unconsciously impeding healthy energy flow.
Physically, each chakra governs specific organs of the body which come along with hormones and emotions…
When chakras are constricted, blocked or too open, organs don’t operate effectively which contributes to disease, fluctuating energy levels, emotional imbalances, negative thought patterns and general lack of wellbeing.
Working with the entire chakra system is tapping into external and internal forces so that we may feel and function our best, in harmony with the world around and within us. The ancient yogis understood that to change our life, we have to effect change from within. One way to alter our inner reality is working with the chakras.
What is the Earth Star Chakra?
Vasundhara – the Sanskrit name for the Earth Star Chakra – translates to:
“Daughter of the Earth”
An extension of the first chakra – the Earth Star Chakra is located beneath the soles of the feet and when it’s formed it may be seen as a ball of black and white energy. Associated with the Earth element, Vasundhara provides amplified levels of grounding and stability.
For me, and many of my teachers and students, concentrating upon the Earth Star is a powerful practice. Not only is Vasundhara and all it represents a beautiful subject to offer the subjective mind, but sending our awareness here can help us tap into a deeper sense of grounding, worthiness and solidarity. It can truly anchor us to our practices and in all of life.
Earth Star Chakra Symbol
Each chakra symbol has a color associated with it, and other geometric elements inside and outside of the sacred circle. In some artwork, the Sanskrit bija mantra of the chakra is depicted in the center. A unique number of lotus petals always encases the entire symbol.

The energy center beneath our feet inspires our connection with the core of the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity. The symbol is a star tetrahedron, which looks like a Merkaba. When blocked it can appear muddy and dark. And the beautiful symbol encompasses this.
- The upward pointing pyrmaid represents fire, and the masculine.
- The downward pointing pyramid signifies grounding in the earthly realm, stability and connection to the material world.
- Maroon, brown and a deep earthy brown are the scrumptious colors of the Earth Star Chakra symbol.
In Your Earth Star Balanced or Blocked?
Symptoms Of A Balanced Earth Star Chakra
When the Earth Star Chakra is open we’re able to experience a positive outlook, peace and tranquility.
Alignment within Vasundhara elevates our union, with others and ourself, and allows us to access:
- Feelings of ease, relaxation and clear-headedness.
- An ability to feel at home in the world.
- Increased synergy between the physical and mental.
- A deeper connection with the spiritual realm – states of enlightenment.
- Detachment from illusion – deeply understanding that one is all and all is one.
Someone with a balanced Vasundhara Chakra feels balanced, stable and secure in their life, aligned in their human and spiritual self, immense compassion for humanity, and connected to all species, nature, the planet and the entire universe. They feel calm, joyful and a deep sense of acceptance.
Symptoms Of A Blocked Earth Star Chakra
Key responsibilities of the Earth Star Chakra are balance, compassion and consciously caring for the planet. The capacity to readily connect and stay connected to the Self and to all is empowered or prevented here.
Interestingly, many people who are relatively balanced in the higher chakras are off-kilter in the lower ones. This can stem from beliefs deeply engrained during upbringing through an array of potential first chakra quakes throughout childhood and into adulthood.
The Chakras spin and attract energy that is on the same frequency, and in turn sends it back out – like attracts like.
The more positive energy a chakra consumes, the more positive energy it releases and the more positivity it magnetizes back. However, the same goes for negativity.
Presence and awareness are crucial when it comes to unblocking, attracting and manifesting.
- Acts of destruction towards the planet, such as littering, over-consuming, harming life (others or our own)
- Disconnection from humanity
- Lacking interconnectedness with Earth
- Nature goes unnoticed – beauty, gratitude for…
- Disengaged from ancestral guides and wisdom
As with the other energy centers, the two main reasons your Earth Star Chakra may not function properly are due to an overactive or underactive flow of energy (prana).
When Vasundhara is out of balance, we may struggle to feel our feet on the ground (instability), ignore the beauty and awe abound, feel disconnected from ourselves, others and the universe, or experience other destructive emotions such as:
- Mental – lack of grounding, unstable, unrooted, agitated nervous system
- Emotional – inability to connect with self, others and nature, panicky, unsafe, phobias
- Physical – unbalanced, eating disorders, issues with feet, knees and legs, blood circulation issues

Earth Star Chakra Healing Stones
Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, including crystals and gemstones.
Crystals carry healing properties that connect to each chakra – and the elements within that resonate with that outside of us – uniquely. Stones hold vibrational energy that resonate with our energy centers to heal the body, mind, and soul.
Gemstones are believed to have a host of physical health benefits, such as reducing anxiety, blood pressure, chronic pain, and a lowering chances of disease. Emotional trauma, negative thoughts and energies are also thought to be released by working with stones.
So, let’s figure out which stone to use and how to use it!
Earth Star Chakra Crystals:
- Obsidian – to receive the guidance of the Earth.
- Merkaba Stars – means “chariot of the light” and guides you towards what is yours.
- Red Jasper – releases stress and negative energies, helps you see what you need.
- Black Kyanite – for grounding energy.
- Hematite – for grounding and protective energies.
- Black Tourmaline – protective energies & grounding properties.
Some believe that your stone will speak to you – notice if you feel a different vibration when holding a specific stone in your hand or near your Chakra. Or choose one from this list that you find beautiful!

How to use healing stones for the Earth Star Chakra:
- Meditate: Hold the stone in your hand, or place it on or near the body part associated with this Chakra. Repeat a mantra or the seed sound (see below) to amplify balancing energies.
- Decorate: Place the stones around your home to fill your personal space with balancing energy.
- Wear: Keep stones in your pocket or bag, or wrap a stone in wire or string to wear as a necklace, bracelet, ring or earrings.
Earth Star Chakra Essential Oils
It is said that essential oils can restore balance to the Chakras – oils too have a vibration and hold frequency. Apply them to pulse points, anoint the Chakra location, put a few drops in the bath or a diffuser. Here are some to consider.
- Vetiver: This woodsy scent is great for easing feelings that disrupt your focus, such as restlessness, frustration and anxiety, and calming an overactive Root Chakra.
- Myrrh: One of the oldest oils, renowned for promoting peace and wellbeing, stimulating the brain, enhancing feelings of purpose and connecting to emotions. Alchemize negative feelings into positive, and move forward with energy and focus.
- Patchouli: Earthy, grounding and calming, this one promotes feelings of peace, joy and self-confidence, especially during challenging times.
- Cedarwood: This oil invokes connection with nature which settles your environment and provides grounding and confidence during hectic moments.

Earth Star Chakra Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts, encourage yourself, boost self-esteem, relieve anxiety, increase self-love, and expand upon the tangible as well as the mystical properties of the chakras.
There are affirmations to help access and elevate willpower, endurance, your sense of security, connection with nature and stability with wellness including physical, mental and emotional health, spirituality… Even finances!
How to choose an affirmation
Simply choose an existing affirmation that resonates with you in the moment – reading it feels like a cuddle or elicits an emotional response or inspiration. Or create one for yourself – this may come to you intuitively, or you might be inspired by ours.
The affirmations here are only suggestions. Please feel free to add affirmations that feel empowering, leave behind those that do not, or come up with your own!
Earth Star Chakra Affirmations
Earth Star Chakra affirmations can help heal and activate the earth energy center that powers your ability to connect with the Earth. By powering your intentions through affirmations, this Chakra can be balanced and allow more alignment in life – internal and external.
Practice these Earth Star Chakra affirmations to deepen your sense of interconnectedness to all and bring balance to your mind and body. Your compassion for humanity and the planet can be positively, profoundly affected by working with Earth Star Chakra affirmations.
Earth Star Chakra Affirmations
- I am grounded and secure in my being.
- I am worthy of abundance and prosperity.
- I trust in my ability to handle whatever challenges come my way.
- I am at peace with my past and fully present in the moment.
- I am connected to the earth and feel its supportive energy.
- I honor my body and take care of it with healthy choices.
- I am confident in my identity and true to myself.
- I trust in the natural flow of life and embrace change as a positive force.
- I have a strong foundation that supports my growth and expansion.
- I am grateful for the abundance and blessings in my life, and I attract even more positivity with an attitude of gratitude.
- As I breathe in, I am aware of my connection to the universe, and as I exhale, I feel my roots deepen and strengthen.
- I am rooted in love and acceptance, and I trust the flow of life to guide me towards my highest good.
How to practice Earth Star Chakra affirmations
Everyone’s style varies – according to body type, time available, emotional and energetic needs, state of mind – and it’s likely that your choices will evolve through the short and long seasons of life pending how you’re feeling and what you’re seeking.
Here are some loose guidelines and tips to get started. Feel free to experiment and cuddle accordingly to suit your needs!
- To practice Earth Star Chakra meditation, find a sweet spot – many prefer a quiet place.
- Get comfortable, like you would for meditation – seated or lying down, with the spine as straight as possible.
- Focus on the space just below you – the location of the Earth Star Chakra. You might wiggle around a bit to snuggle into your sitz bones, or even rest press your hands into the (implied) Earth in front of you to help hone in on Vasundhara. See if you can find and feel a sense of grounding, connection, that you’re meant to be right here right now.
- Breathe. Consider trying sama vritti – often called equal or coherent breathing – where the length of the exhalation matches the length of the inhalation. No prescribed count, your own pace, rolling circularly from inhale to exhale and back again.
- Read your chosen affirmation over and over, committing it to memory if possible. Perhaps eventually softening your gaze or closing your eyes, if that feels safe, as you continue to say it aloud or silently.
- As you repeat the affirmation, visualize the earthy brown or maroon of the Earth Star and imagine it flowing into your chakra energy center. This may appear as an expansion of the color from the center through your body across the Earth and into your roots, or an increase in vibrancy or saturation, with your inhalation, followed by the color shrinking back to a small point or soft glow with the contraction of your exhalation.
- Truly, deeply engage – immerse in the sensation of the feeling of the words of the Earth Star Chakra affirmation.
Final Thoughts
When the center beneath your feet is aligned, you’ll feel highly present, mega eco-friendly and you will effortlessly see the bigger picture. You may even experience visits from ancestors and spirit guides.
The ability to align your physical body with the spiritual will happen naturally, and your connection to the planet and humanity can be profoundly affected by working with Earth Star Chakra!
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