In yoga, there exists a transformative technique that goes beyond the physical postures and breath control – the elusive world of bandhas.
A unique blend of mental and physical actions, bandhas are internal ‘locks’ designed to harness and channel the flow of our pranic energy.
This pranic energy governs both our conscious and unconscious physiological processes, including respiration, digestion, circulation, elimination, as well as cellular growth and rejuvenation.
The Maha Bandha is often referred to as the queen of bandhas, due to its comprehensive and encompassing nature which is believed to harmonize and unify the subtle (pranic) energy within the body, leading to profound physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.
To help you learn more about Maha Bandha, in this article we’ll be looking at:
- What are Bandhas?
- Origins and History of Maha Bandha
- What is Maha Bandha
- When & How to Use Maha Bandha in Yoga Practice

What are Bandhas?
The term “bandhas” originates from the Sanskrit language and can be traced back to the root “bandh,” which means “to bind” or “to lock.”
In the context of yoga and meditation, bandhas thus refer to energy locks or “seals” that are consciously applied within the body during specific postures or breathing exercises to direct the flow of pranic energy through energy channels in the body known as nadis.
This concept can be difficult to grasp even for experienced yoga practitioners, so the analogy that I find the most useful in understanding bandhas is to envision them as valves in a plumbing system.
In a plumbing system, valves are crucial for controlling the flow of water. Similarly, bandhas act as internal regulators within our energetic system, governing the movement, pressure, and direction of prana throughout the body.
Just as valves can be adjusted to increase, decrease and direct the water flow, bandhas can be engaged or released to modulate the flow of prana.Thus, by consciously activating the bandhas, we can enhance and balance the circulation of our vital pranic energy to the desired effect, such as ensuring it reaches specific areas or organs, that require nourishment and healing.
Furthermore, just as well-maintained valves prevent leaks and maintain optimal water pressure, proficiently engaging the bandhas helps in conserving and harnessing the energy within, promoting harmony in our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Origins and History of the Maha Bandha
The Maha Bandha is an ancient term used in various schools of yoga, however, is most common in the tradition of Hatha Yoga. Also known as “The Great Lock”, the word “maha” means great or supreme, and “bandha” translates to lock or bond.
The history and origins of the Maha Bandha can be traced back to ancient yogic texts, particularly the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita. While the Maha Bandha isn’t explicitly mentioned by name in these texts, the concept and benefits of combining multiple bandhas are discussed.
The practice of bandhas has a long history in the ancient yogic traditions of India, where the benefits of performing bandhas by contracting and controlling specific body parts to redirect the flow of prana in the body have been recognized for thousands of years.
It should be noted here that while the information provided in this article is based on historical texts and traditional practices, different yoga lineages and teachers will likely have variations in the techniques and interpretations of the Maha Bandha.

What is the Maha Bandha?
As touched on above, the Maha Bandha is a powerful technique that combines the activation of three major bandhas: the Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha (other bandhas include Hasta Bandha and Pada Bandha).
Generally considered an advanced practice, Maha Bandha is typically performed in conjunction with pranayama and specific yoga poses.
It involves the sequential engagement and release of all three bandhas in a specific order. It begins with Jalandhara Bandha, followed by Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock), and finally Mula Bandha.
The bandhas are then held for a period of time while maintaining controlled breathing, before being released in reverse order.
Each of these bandhas is unique and is believed to have its own, specific effect on the energy and well-being of the body and mind, as explored in more detail below.
By combining them into one action, the Maha Bandha is believed to harmonize and unify the energetic effects of each, leading to many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits
#1: Jalandhara Bandha (Throat or Chin Lock):
In Sanskrit, “Jala” signifies water, flow, or net, and when applied as a Bandha, it acts as a seal for the upper pathways of energy in our body.
Also known as the Throat or Chin Lock, to activate the Jalandhara Bandha, we gently lower the chin forward and down, making contact with the upper part of the sternum, effectively creating a lock at the throat.

Mastering this Bandha is considered by many as a foundational step, as it acts kind of like a lid for the other two bandhas. In other words, the Jalandhara Bandha is crucial to prevent prana from dissipating as we work on moving energy upwards via the other Bandhas.
This Bandha offers various benefits, including:
- Tones the Vagus Nerve to enhance relaxation and calm the nervous system.
- Stretches the muscles of the cervical spine, which alleviates tension in the neck and jaw.
- Balances the throat chakra, empowering us to express our truth and foster creative expression as well as promoting balance in the thyroid gland and regulating metabolism.
#2: Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock):
Also known as the Abdominal and Belly Lock, Uddiyana Bandha is derived from the Sanskrit meaning “rise up,” and when applied as a Bandha, it describes how this Bandha encourages our pranic energy upwards.
Activating it creates a vacuum-like sensation in your belly by drawing the abdominal cavity back under your ribs, while simultaneously pulling your navel toward your spine, creating a lock located between the navel and spine.

This bandha is typically performed following exhalation when the lungs are emptied and usually on an empty stomach.
Serving as an energy lock controlling the flow at the midsection of the body’s energy pathways, Uddiyana Bandha offers a range of benefits, including:
- Toning and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, revitalizing the organs in the midbody and deep interior muscles.
- Cultivating tapas (discipline) and enhancing mental and physical endurance.
- Facilitating the upward movement of energy from the body to the brain, resulting in increased energy levels and mental clarity.
- Associated with the benefits of a healthy manipura chakra (solar plexus), Uddiyana Bandha is believed to help you make transformative changes in life.
#3: Mula Bandha (Root Lock):
The Mula Bandha is also known as the Root Lock, translated from Sanskrit, “Mula” meaning “root” or “foundation,” signifying its significance in establishing a strong base.
Engaging Mula Bandha involves the contraction and lifting of the muscles in the pelvic floor and gently constricting the anal sphincter and perineum muscles as if you were holding back the urge to urinate.

This bandha acts as an energy lock for the lower segment of the pranic pathways within the spinal column, helping to awaken the root chakra and stabilize the energy flow in the lower abdomen.
The benefits of Mula Bandha include:
- Tones the muscles of the pelvic floor, nurturing the organs in the lower body and targeting issues of incontinence, particularly after pregnancy or during menopause.
- Directs energy upward from the earth through the root chakra, aiding in the release of any mental, emotional, or spiritual stagnation associated with this chakra.
- Believed to solidify our sense of grounding while allowing for the release of excessive attachment to worldly matters.
- Activating Kundalini Energy, as this potent energy resides at the base of the spine.
How to Use Maha Bandha in Yoga Practice
When to Use Maha Bandha
While the Maha Bandha is generally considered suitable for intermediate to advanced practitioners of yoga, the coordination of multiple bandhas requires a certain level of physical and energetic awareness.
Thus if you’re new to yoga or have limited experience, it’s advisable to develop a strong foundation in individual bandha practices before attempting the Maha Bandha.
Once this is achieved, the best timing of practicing Maha Bandha in relation to time of day, asana practice, meditation or otherwise will vary depending on personal preference and the intention of your practice. A qualified teacher is the best person to help you with this!

How to Use Maha Bandha
- Find a comfortable seated position: Begin your practice by finding a comfortable seated position, such as Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Ensure your spine is straight, and your body is relaxed yet alert.
- Establish a steady breath: Take a few moments to establish a steady and controlled breath. You can start with deep inhales and exhales, gradually transitioning to smooth, even breaths.
- Engage the bandhas: Take a deep inhalation, followed by a complete exhalation until your lungs are empty. Simultaneously, perform Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock), then Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock), and finally Mula Bandha (Root Lock). Hold the breath outside, which is known as Bahya Kumbhaka (External Breath Retention). Retain the breath for as long as it feels comfortable, ensuring not to strain your lungs. Even a few seconds are sufficient if you are new to this practice.
- Release the Maha Bandha: Begin by releasing Mula Bandha, then Uddiyana Bandha, and finally Jalandhara Bandha. After gently lifting your head back to a neutral position, inhale slowly and smoothly.
- Repeat: This completes one round of Maha Bandha. Repeat the practice as many times as you feel comfortable. Allow your body ample time to rest between each round by taking relaxing breaths until you feel ready to proceed.
Remember that the Maha Bandha is just one aspect of yoga, and it is most effective when integrated into a well-rounded yoga practice that includes asanas, pranayama, meditation, and relaxation techniques.
Safety Precautions & Contraindications
Despite the many benefits of Maha Bandha, there are some safety precautions to keep in mind to make sure your practice is as safe and effective as possible:
- If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, concerns or injuries, consult a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional before attempting Maha Bandha.
- It’s recommended to have a solid foundation in yoga practice and bandhas in particular before trying advanced techniques like Maha Bandha, so it is not suitable for beginners or those with limited yoga experience.
- Avoid practicing Maha Bandha during pregnancy, menstruation, or if you have recently undergone abdominal or pelvic surgery.
- If you experience any pain, discomfort, dizziness, or shortness of breath during the practice, release the bandhas immediately and return to normal breathing.
- Practice Maha Bandha mindfully, and preferably under the guidance of a trusted teacher initially, being aware of and respecting your body’s limits. Do not force or strain yourself while performing the technique.
Further reading:
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