bindu (point, drop, or dot)
Bindu Definition
Bindu translates to “point”, “drop” or “dot.” In yoga, however, the concept of bindu goes beyond its literal interpretation, symbolizing the absolute, the infinite, and the unmanifest potential that lies within each individual.
Bindu signifies the cosmic seed from which the universe arises, representing the unity of all existence.

Bindu Deep Dive
Bindu in Yoga Philosophy
Unity and Wholeness
Bindu is associated with the fundamental concept of unity in yoga philosophy. It represents the underlying oneness of all existence, symbolizing the union of individual consciousness (Shiva) and universal energy (Shakti).
Bindu serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence, emphasizing the intrinsic wholeness and harmony of the universe. The bindi dot, painted on the forehead is to represent bindu.
Manifestation and Creation
Bindu is viewed as the cosmic seed from which all creation arises. It symbolizes the unmanifest potential that precededed the materialization of the universe.
Bindu represents the point of emergence, where infinite possibilities condense into a singular form. In this sense, Bindu embodies the process of manifestation, highlighting the creative power inherent in each individual.

Bindu in Yogic Practice
Meditation and Concentration
In yogic practice, bindu is often employed as a point of focus during meditation. By concentrating on a visualized or imagined bindu, practitioners aim to still the mind, transcend mundane thoughts, and access deeper states of consciousness.
The practice of bindu meditation cultivates awareness, promotes inner stillness, and facilitates the integration of body, mind, and spirit.
Energy Centers and Chakras
Bindu is also associated with energy centers or chakras within the body. These subtle energy points are believed to govern the flow of prana (life force) and influence physical and mental well-being.
By directing attention to these bindu centers through asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and visualization, practitioners seek to balance and activate vital energy to cultivate spiritual growth.

Bindu In The Upanishads
The Yogachudamani Upanishad provides valuable insights into the concept of bindu within the context of yoga. It presents Bindu as a duality, comprising a white bindu symbolizing purity (shukla) and a red bindu representing mastery (maharaj).
According to this text, the white bindu resides in the bindu visarga, which is often associated with the point of creation and located at the back of the head.
This white bindu is closely associated with Shiva, the masculine principle, and the moon. The moon represents calmness, tranquility, and the receptive aspect of consciousness. Thus, the white bindu is connected to the qualities of purity, stillness, and receptivity.On the other hand, the red bindu is said to reside in the muladhara chakra, the energetic center located at the base of the spine.
This red bindu is associated with Shakti, the feminine principle, and the sun. The sun symbolizes energy, vitality, and the dynamic aspect of consciousness. Therefore, the red bindu is linked to the qualities of mastery, energy, and dynamism.
To understand this union or the red and white bindu, one can compare it to the concept of yin and yang.

Bindu in Hatha Yoga and Tantra
There are a number of hathayoga techniques associated with bindu where it is catogorised as a chakra. In tantra, the position of the bindu chakra is described as above the third eye chakra (ajna) and below the crown chakra (sahasrara).
The bindu chakra is portrayed as a lotus with twenty-three petals and symbolizes the moon.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes bindu is a substance stored in the head. Without practices to preserve the bindu will drip down where it is burnt up by digestive fire and essentially leads to a depletion of vital energy, physical decline and ageing.
Hatha yogi’s would practice yoga techniques to avoid or reverse the ‘dripping’ of bindu by directing the flow of bindu up the spine, or sushumna nadi where it will be preserved in the head. This is believed to promote good health and longevity.

Bindu In Your Life
Below you can find five yoga techniques to cultivate and preserve bindu. Please be advised that these exercises and meditations should be approached with proper guidance and respect for one’s own physical capabilities.
It is recommended to learn and practice them under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher or practitioner who can provide appropriate instructions and ensure safety.
1. Agnisara Kriya
Agnisara Kriya is a dynamic yogic practice that involves abdominal contractions and rhythmic movements of the abdominal muscles. Agni, meaning fire, corresponds to the concept of ‘stoking the inner fire’, in turn, encouraging the upward flow of energy in the spine.
By engaging and stimulating the abdominal region, this practice activates the upward energy flow in and towards the bindu chakra.
2. Ujjayi Pranayama with Khechari Mudra and Jalandhara Bandha
Ujjayi Pranayama is a breathing technique that involves deep, slow inhalation and exhalation through the nostrils, accompanied by a slight constriction of the throat to create a soft, ocean-like sound.
When combined with Khechari Mudra (the curling back of the tongue to touch the upper palate) and Jalandhara Bandha (the throat lock), this practice helps to redirect and channel the pranic energy towards the bindu chakra.

3. Viparitakarani (as a Mudra)
Viparitakarani is commonly known as inverted pose or legs-up-the-wall pose. However, in some hatha yoga texts it is described as a mudra, depicting a number of different inversion postures.
This inverted position allows gravity to assist in the flow of energy towards the head, aiding in the activation and preservation of the bindu chakra.
4. Sirsasana
Also known as a headstand, Sirsasana is a powerful inverted posture that involves balancing the body on the forearms and the crown of the head. This asana helps to increase blood circulation to the brain and stimulates the upper energy centers, including the bindu.
5. Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand pose, is another beneficial inverted posture that involves supporting the body with the shoulders while the legs are raised vertically. This asana also facilitates increased blood flow to the head and activates the energy centers associated with the bindu.
In addition to these physical practices, there are specialized meditations focused on the bindu. These meditative techniques involve bringing conscious awareness to the energy center and visualizing it as a luminous point of light or a sacred symbol.

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