chakra (wheel/circle)
Chakra Meditation Definition
A chakra balancing meditation is an ancient spiritual practice focusing on one or more of the subtle body areas – the chakras.
The chakras are energetic discs located within various parts of the body – you can think of them as “energy hotspots.” Keeping them balanced through chakra-balancing meditations has been linked to physical and mental health and is a way to tap into healing energy.
Anyone can practice chakra balancing meditations, and they can be practiced by focusing on one or all of the chakras. Many depict the chakras as lotus flowers placed throughout the body.

Chakra Meditation Deep Dive
Chakra meditations are a great way to get in touch with your subtle body. Like all meditation, they provide a sense of calm and can benefit mood and sleep. You can practice them at any time of the day, and consistency is key.
There are many chakras within the body, but it is best to focus your attention on the seven primary chakras. From the base of the spine to the crown of the head they are:
- Root Chakra – Muladhara
- Associated with the color red and the mantra Lam, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is related to your fundamental needs, such as food and shelter. It is also linked to confidence, stability, and grounding.
- Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana
- Associated with the color orange and the mantra Vam, the sacral chakra is located below the navel. It is related to your reproductive organs. This chakra also governs how you respond to experiences and your life within the world. In addition, it is linked to self-worth and self-image.
- Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
- Associated with the color yellow and the mantra Ram the solar plexus chakra is located above the navel. It is related to your digestion. This chakra is said to be the “centre of your vitality” and is linked to self-confidence.
- Heart Chakra – Anahata
- Associated with the color green and the mantra Yam the heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. It is related to respiration. This chakra is responsible for healthy relationships with others as well as love and compassion.
- Throat Chakra – Vishuddha
- Associated with the color blue and the mantra Ham, the throat chakra is located in the throat. It is related to your ability to communicate and your creativity.
- Third Eye Chakra – Ajna
- Associated with the color indigo and the mantra Sham the third eye chakra is located in between the eyebrows. It is related to your intuition and instinct.
- Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
- Associated with the color white/purple and the mantra Om, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is related to awareness and spiritual connection.
Chakra blockages can disrupt our whole being. One of the ways to work with a blocked chakra is to practice a chakra balancing meditation. Chakra-based meditations can help to clear and cleanse chakras. Chakras can be both overstimulated and understimulated.
Meditation can be a great way to bring balance to the body and mind, especially when working with all of the chakras at the same time.
Through self-awareness and experience, you can develop your skills in detecting chakra imbalances.

Chakra Meditation in your life
To do a chakra balancing meditation you’ll need to set up your environment. Find a quiet and calm place free of disruptions. Turn off your phone.
Set yourself up in a comfortable seat. This could be cross-legged on the floor or sitting upright in a chair (just make sure that your hips are higher than your knees). Keep your spine erect without holding tension, and place your hands in a comfortable position.
Now visualize each of your chakras one by one. Begin with the root chakra and spend some time with each of the energy centers. Don’t be in a rush to move on quickly. Give each chakra time and attention. A few minutes on each is ideal, and try not to force the process of meditation.- Visualize energy and the color red flowing through the space at the base of the spine.
- Visualize energy and the color orange flowing through the space at below the navel.
- Visualize energy and the color yellow flowing through the space around the solar plexus.
- Visualize energy and the color green flowing through the space in the center of the chest.
- Visualize energy and the color blue flowing through the space in the throat.
- Visualize energy and the color indigo flowing through the space in between the eyebrows.
- Visualize energy and the color white/purple flowing through the space at the top of the head.
Notice how you feel after the meditation and sit for a few minutes to let the resonance of the practice steep within you.
It can be useful to use guided meditations if you’re just starting out, as remembering all of the centres and colors can be tricky. You can also use the mantras associated with each chakra if that resonates more with you.
The chakras were first mentioned in the ancient scripts “The Vedas” and meditating on the chakras is a great way to balance your body, mind and spirit.

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More On Chakras:
What Is A Chakra Meditation?
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116 Sacral Chakra Affirmations To Unleash Your Creativity
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