Yoga teachers sometimes struggle with feeling like their classes are getting stagnant, almost going through the motions.
A way to alleviate this burnout is, of course, by lightening the load (teaching a bit less for a while) or taking a break from teaching, whether for a few days, weeks, or months.
Another way to reignite your inspiration and creativity when coming up with your sequences is by incorporating yoga class themes. It is a fun way to add another layer of inquiry into the yoga practice and explore its benefits beyond the postures.
There are many ways to come up with themes for yoga class, and in this article, we want to inspire you to get creative and find unique ways to come up with yoga themes for class that will keep your students engaged and excited and, of course, continue to learn with you.
We will share examples of some of those themes so that you can practice with some of our favorite themed yoga classes on Youtube.
In this article you can read about the following:
Let’s dive right in!

Benefits of Theming your Yoga Classes
It is rare for students to get bored with your teachings if you have a solid personal practice (Sadhana), pay attention to the needs of your class, and continue to learn and grow as a yogi and community leader.
More often than not, it is we teachers that feel a little bit bored with our sequences and creativity, which makes it just as valuable to use a variety of tools to keep your classes fresh and students engaged.
If you’re teaching yoga and feeling a little stagnant or uncreative, a new yoga teacher keen to learn, or you’re just ready to add more depth to your offerings, theming your yoga classes regularly can be very beneficial:
- Explore other limbs of the path of yoga like pranayama, mantra, mudra, and meditation
- Provide structure for your students so that they know what they’re learning about and why
- Make your offerings more cohesive by allowing you to theme your classes, workshops, and other offerings in alignment with one another
- Dive deep into a particular aspect of yoga that may help your students gain new skills to support them on and off the mat
- Develop a deeper understanding of postures, alignment, and specific aspects of yoga
- Have some fun and use your creativity
On The Fly: Simple Yoga Class Themes
For those days when you are teaching a class and may feel uninspired and need to come up with your theme almost on the fly, consider simple (not easy) yoga themes for class like the following:
1# Focusing on a specific prop
To make the practice more accessible, consider theming your class around the use of a specific prop (blocks, blanket, strap, bolster) and inviting practitioners to explore common poses with adaptations and variations for all.
If you want to try a class restorative-style class themed around the use of a bolster, try this 10-minute themed class on Youtube:2# Aligning with daily life
As we try to find balance and harmony in our lives, aligning the theme of your practice with daily life happenings can be simple and effective.
Some examples would be morning yoga, office yoga, midday yoga break, after-work yoga, and yoga before (or in) bed.
Try this 15-minute Hatha class with a Lunch Break theme to get inspired!
3# Aligning with the natural cycles
By focusing on the seasons, the phases of the moon, or even the menstrual cycle, can be another way to theme your yoga classes.
Try this Yin yoga class below, with the Full Moon as it’s main theme.
4# Going back to basics
Another simple theme that is great for both beginner and seasoned practitioners alike is theming your class around foundational alignment, or any other basic aspect of the practice that you want to emphasize.
Try this great class with Jack Cuneo filled with foundational postures and basic cues to inspire better alignment to support each individual.
5# Infusing yogic philosophy and mythology into the practice
Yoga is much more than just the yoga poses, and a way to share that with your students is by incorporating yogic philosopy into the class.
For a little inspiration, check out this Ganesha sequence, centered on slowing down and becoming steady.
Subtle body-Inspired Yoga Class Themes
Learn about subtle body energies and incorporate them into the asana practice as themes for yoga class, series, or even a workshop.
Here are a few ideas on how to approach subtle body energy as a yoga class theme:
1# Chakra-themed classes
You can choose to explore a chakra every week with different asanas, pranayama, mudras, mantra, etc., or use this theme for a stand-alone class or workshop.
You can take students through a chakra journey so that they can experience the effects of chakra work in an accessible way.
Try this class by Faith Hunter, themed around chakra-awakening:
2# Yoga for the Koshas
The Koshas are the 5 sheaths of consciousness and can be very fun to explore paired up with asana and breathwork.
Try the class below:
3# Using mudra to access deeper layers of the practice
Mudras are sacred gestures most often performed with the hands that can help you harness certain energies within.
Incorporating Mudra into your yoga classes and theming the classes around them will enhance the benefits of whatever you’re already cultivating with asana and breath.
Here is a very short class exploring yoga postures and Kali Mudra.
Anatomy-Focused Yoga Class Themes
Asana is the physical part of the practice and many students gather at yoga studios and gyms to reap benefits for their body.
For anatomy enthusiasts and those interested in alignment, anatomy-focused classes will definitely be a hit!
1# Practice yoga to focus on a specific body part
Bringing the focus directly to a particular area of the body and targeting it with specific postures, like in this class with Sandra Carson, themed around neck and shoulders.
2# Yoga sequence for strengthening the physical body
Making the body a bit stronger can be a great incentive for those new to the practice.
Check out this accessible core-strengthening class to inspire theme ideas foryour class.
3# Practice to foster flexibility
To work on your hip functionality, here is a flow class themed around flexibility and hip-opening mobility with Patrick Beach.
4# Heart Opening
If you work with folks that work a lot sitting or driving, front-body and heart-opening classes are often in high demand.
This class uses props to open up the front body and strengthen the back with back bends.It can helo with back pain, but check in with yourself throughout.
5# Building balance and strength for Inversions
Inversions are not for everyone, but it can be fun to theme your classes around building strength, flexibility, and awareness in the body, to play with these postures and their variations. Remember, a forward fold is an inversion!
Like in this class, focus on the journey instead of the goal.
Peak pose as a Yoga Class Theme
Many students enjoy exploring specific poses, and it can be a fun idea to theme an entire class with one posture.
Utilize the first part of the practice to warm up, awaken, and activate, so that there is time to explore the peak pose. End the practice with a few minutes of cooling down and counter poses to balance it all out.
Approach challenges with non attachment and a beginner’s mind!
Here are some examples of classes utilizing peak postures as themes for class.
1# Standing head-to-knee pose
2# Natarajasana creative flow
3# Ardha Chandrasana as peak pose
4# Practicing Bird of Paradise as peak
5# Accessing arm balances like Crow
Yoga Class Themes to Shift your mood
Many students practice (both in studio and online) with the intention of self love to shift their mood and improve their wellbeing with yoga, meditation, and breath techniques.
Here are some classes to inspire yoga themes for class to foster different moods:
1# Yoga for the morning
2# Yoga to energize and open up the body
3# Yoga for connecting with the present moment
4# Yoga to find calm
5# Yoga for anxiety relief
6# A practice for the evening
7# Yoga for creativity and inspiration
And don’t forget to end with a savasana!
Other Ways to Create Themes for Yoga Class and Stay Inspired
Whether you’re a new yoga instructor, fresh out of your 200-hour yoga teacher training, or a skillful teacher with years of practicing, training, and leading others, having resources to keep yourself inspired, will help you support your students.
Other ways to come up with yoga class themes:
- Using music playlists
- Gathering inspiration from poetry or prose
- Reading about any yogic topic that interests you
- Attending workshops and trainings to expand your skills
For more resources for yoga teachers, click here.
You can also check out our mudra library here
And our growing yoga terms encyclopedia here