What Is Chitta?

चित्त citta (the mind; thought and emotion) Chitta Definiton In yoga philosophy, ‘chitta’ or ‘citta’ refers to consciousness or the mind. It is one of the four components of the antahkarana, which is the inner instrument or the inner aspect of the mind. The other three components are manas (the thinking mind), buddhi (the intellect … Read more

What Is A Chakra Meditation?

चक्र chakra (wheel/circle) Chakra Meditation Definition A chakra balancing meditation is an ancient spiritual practice focusing on one or more of the subtle body areas – the chakras. The chakras are energetic discs located within various parts of the body – you can think of them as “energy hotspots.”  Keeping them balanced through chakra-balancing meditations … Read more

What Is Chanchala?

चञ्चल Chanchala (flickering, unsteady) Chanchala Definition Chanchala, or Cañcala, is a Sanskrit adjective meaning: unsteady, flickering, quivering, vacillating, fickle, inconstant, restless. It is also a nickname given to the Goddess Lakshmi, sometimes known as the restless one. Chanchala Deep Dive It’s a term used to describe the way our minds go from one thing to … Read more

Who is Chaitanya?

चैतन्य Chaitanya (one who is conscious) Chaitanya Definition Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was said to be an earthly incarnation (avatar) of the Hindu Gods Radha and Krishna. He is perhaps best known for espousing Bhakti yoga, and as the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and many modern forms of sankirtan. Chaitanya means “conscious,” “awareness,” or “one who is … Read more

What is the Causal Body?

कारणशारिर Karana (causing) + Sarira (body) Causal Body Definition In Sanskrit, the term “causal body” is rendered Karana Sarira, Karana Sharira, or kāraṇaśarīra. Karana means “making,” “muscle,” or “causing.” Sharira means “body.” In yogic philosophy, human beings are composed of three bodies, consisting of five koshas (sheaths) in total. 1. Sthula Sarira, the physical or … Read more