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Yoga For The Spine: Unlocking the Secrets of Yoga for a Healthy Back

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The yoga mat is a relatively new invention. Before yoga mats became the new standard in the 1980s, practitioners just had to do without. According to Shvetashvatara Upanishad, in ancient …
Teaching Yoga
Trauma Informed Yoga Training: 8 Factors To Look Out For When Choosing A Course
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澳洲幸运5开奖结果的网址-澳洲结果查询 Is Yoga Good For Weight Loss? + How To Set Yourself Up For Success

There are many physical and mental health benefits of yoga. However, on the surface it may appear as a very gentle form of activity, prompting …
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Popular Searches: Chakras, Upanishads, Yoga Poses, Mudra

Samskaras: What Yoga Teaches Us About Breaking Our Habit Patterns
One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself on your self-growth journey, is, do you have to live with the negative aspects of …

How to Meditate in Bed: 6 Tips + Benefits

It is quite easy to declare that everyone, in some capacity, has a busy life. Finding moments of quiet and tranquility can be a challenge. …
Diaphragmatic Breathing: 5 Exercises and 8 Yoga Postures to Breathe More Efficiently

Scorpion Pose (Vrischikasana)
Scorpion Pose, Vrischikasana, (vrchik-SHAH-sah-nah.) vrschika (scorpion) + asana (pose) Also Known as: Forearm Balance, Vrschikasana, Ganda Bherundasana Pose Type: Balancing, Strengthening, Inversions Difficulty: Advanced This …

What Is Navratri?
नवरात्रि Navratri (nine nights) Navratri Definition Directly translated to nine nights, Navratri festival is an annual Hindu festival where the goddess Durga, the divine feminine, …
On Mudras

Jnana Mudra
Jnana Mudra Jnana (a Hindu Goddess, power) + mudra (gesture) Ayurvedic Elements – Ether, Air, Fire Fundamentals Hand mudras are gestures that are used to …