Granthita Mudra
Granthi (knot) + mudra (gesture)
Ayurvedic Element – Ether

Granthita mudra is one of the hasta mudras, or hand gestures, which help to redirect and balance the energy in the body.
The name comes from the root Sanskrit word “granthi” which translates to knot. It symbolizes the potential of this mudra to help release the knots or blockages within your body, whether they are emotional or energetic.
The mudra works on the throat chakra in particular, and you can include it in your practice if you want to open this energy center.
It also helps to bring a sense of calmness, purity, and serenity, which will encourage you to get deeper into your meditation practice.
Ayurvedic Element- Ether
This mudra focuses on the throat chakra, and the element of this chakra is ether or space.
Working with this element helps you to overcome your illusions and delusions about yourself and who you think you should be.
Just like the throat chakra, a balanced ether element helps you to communicate honestly, and to express yourself. It will help you overcome the feeling of loneliness or lack, and make you feel more connected to others.
It may also make you more receptive to everything life offers you, and to stay open-minded. You will feel more secure and understood.
This element also represents stillness, which is key to reaching a deeper state of meditation, and may help you to connect with your intuition and spiritual gifts.

Chakras- Throat Chakra
Granthita mudra was primarily developed to help in opening the Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra.
Balancing the throat chakra helps with physical ailments in the throat, vocal cord, mouth, neck, shoulders, and thyroid gland.
By working on the throat chakra with Granthita mudra, you can learn to better manage your thoughts and communicate with more clarity and honesty.
It will encourage you to express yourself authentically, and with that, it will boost your confidence.
Our fingers are connected with the different elements, but they are also connected with the meridians, which come from Chinese Medicine.
The fingers have acupressure points, and when we apply pressure to them, we can help bring the connected meridians to balance.
In the case of Granthita Mudra, we are placing pressure on all fingers on both hands, which means we won’t focus on balancing a single meridian.
Instead, we are attempting to help bring the whole system to equilibrium, or balance
Granthita Mudra Benefits
- This mudra boosts the flow of prana in the body, especially when paired with pranayama. That helps with your overall health and well-being.
- Granthita mudra balances the nervous system, which aids with stress and anxiety, and may improve sleep and combat insomnia.
- Helps balance the throat chakra, which has many benefits for your self-expression, authentic living, and spiritual awakening.
- Throat chakra opening may also help with any physical issues related to the throat, thyroid gland, neck, and shoulders.
Avoid practicing this mudra, if you have any injuries on your hands or wrists. If you feel any pain or tingling while performing the mudra, release it immediately.

How-To Perform Granthita Mudra
1.Sit in a comfortable position that you enjoy for meditation.
2. Interlace your middle, ring, and pinky fingers, placing the tips on the upper side of your hand.
3. Now also interlock the thumbs and index finger, but touch the tips of the thumb and index finger of the same hand together, so the two sides form two rings.
4. Bring the mudra up and hold it at the base of your throat.
5. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
6. Hold the mudra for the duration of your meditation, or as long as comfortable.
Bonus Tip:
It can be difficult to hold this mudra in front of your throat if you are meditating for a long time. In this case, begin with the hands lifted, then lower them to your lap, but maintain the awareness of the throat chakra.
When to use Granthita Mudra
- Since Granthita mudra deals with the throat center, the most suitable meditation would also be a Throat Chakra meditation.
- You can either listen to a guided Throat Chakra meditation and affirmations, or simply visualize this area opening and being filled with pure light. You can also observe how your breath enters and leaves this area.
- Each chakra has a related vibration, which is called a seed mantra. For the throat mantra that is HAM. You can chant the mantra both internally and externally.
- Another mantra used for the throat chakra is the Adi Mantra, which goes “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”. This mantra symbolizes bowing to the Divine Energy of the universe, as well as the Divine Teacher Within You. It inspires you to be more expressive, creative, and clear about what you want.
- You can simply bring your attention to your breath and focus on the throat area.
- Otherwise, you can try the Brahmari Breath, which is sometimes called the “humming bee breath”. The name comes from the “hmmmmm” sound you will produce with each exhale. This vibration activates the throat, but also the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to bring you to a state of bliss and calm.
Where & When
- Practice in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
- Traditionally, mudras are practiced for 45 minutes, but it is difficult for beginners to maintain their position and awareness for such a long time. Instead, find a time that’s more suitable for you – 5 minutes of focused practice may do much more for you than 30 minutes if you are not comfortable and present.

For more in-depth asana resources, check out our free Mudra Library. Here you’ll find complete guides to each and every yoga mudra to deepen your yoga knowledge.
Each mudra page features high-quality photos and illustrations, insights into the meridian, chakra, and ayurvedic element systems, as well as tips on how, why, and when to practice each mudra.