The benefits of morning yoga are many, and they extend far beyond just the physical aspect. It sets a positive tone for the day, enhances your overall well-being, and helps cultivate a mindful and balanced approach to life.
But what are the best morning yoga postures? Is it good to start the day with an energetic practice and strong poses to energize you for the day? Or are gentler, more restorative poses the best way to establish a peaceful tone to your day?
In this article, we’ll delve into the best yoga poses for your morning yoga routine, with a list of their physical and emotional benefits, how to practice them, and more.

The 11 Best Morning Yoga Postures
While Sun Salutations are traditionally encouraged during sunrise, there is no prescribed list of yoga poses for the morning in traditional yogic scriptures the concept of morning sadhana (spiritual practice) is well-established and encouraged.
In texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Bhagavad Gita, for example, it’s recommended to practice yoga and meditation in the early morning hours, preferably during Brahma Muhurta – the time of spiritual significance approximately one and a half hours before sunrise.
This time is believed to be particularly conducive to spiritual practices like meditation, pranayama, and asanas as the mind is thought to be naturally more serene, and the overall energy in the environment more conducive to inner growth.
While many of the best yoga poses for the morning come down to personal preference, some postures do have specific benefits that make them particularly suitable for morning practice. These are listed below, along with their various benefits and a how-to.
Oh, and remember – before starting any yoga practice, warm up your body with gentle stretches and movements!
#1: Child’s Pose (Balasana)
This foundational forward fold pose is ideal for mornings as it gently stretches and awakens the lower back, hips, and thighs, providing a calm and soothing start to the day.

Morning Benefits
- Physical: Stretches the back, hips, and thighs, relieves tension in the neck and shoulders.
- Emotional: Calming and soothing, reduces stress and anxiety.
- Energetic: Grounding, connects with the earth element.
- Spiritual: Encourages introspection and turning inward.
How to Perform:
- Begin by kneeling on the floor with your big toes touching and knees apart.
- Sit back on your heels, lengthening your spine, and lowering your torso between your thighs.
- Extend your arms forward, palms on the floor, and relax your forehead down.
Alignment Tip: Keep your hips over your heels to avoid straining the knees. Lengthen your spine and gently press your sit bones back.
Modification: If you have difficulty sitting on your heels, place a cushion or folded blanket between your hips and heels for support.
#2: Cat Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
This two pose yoga flow is the perfect at home morning wakeup for the spine. Gentle backbends in flexion and extension to start the day right, and perfect for beginners. If you just have a minute morning yoga, make it this flow!

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Awakens shoulder blades, upper back, lower back, upper body, and wrists. Can relieve back pain and stimulate blood flow.
- Emotional: Introspective, slowly energizing.
- Energetic: Stimulates the flow of prana up the spine.
- Spiritual: Supports inner inquiry & somatic movement.
How To Perform:
- Come into all fours tabletop pose on your yoga mat, wrists under shoulders, knees under hips.
- Starting from the tailbone, extend your spine into cow pose on the inhale, and roll down into cow pose on the exhale.
- Continue this rolling motion, syncing up with the breath, mindfully tuning into this mindful morning yoga stretch.
Alignment Tip: Make sure that your head and neck follow the natural curve of your spine, making sure not to strain the neck.
Modification: Place a folded blanket or cushion under your knees if you have sensitive knees.#3: Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Another classic yoga pose, the light inversion and full body engagement in downward dog energize our body and mind, making it an excellent pose to invigorate and prepare for the day ahead.
Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs, stretches the hamstrings and calves.
- Emotional: Energizing, reduces fatigue and uplifts the mood.
- Energetic: Stimulates the whole body, particularly the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra.
- Spiritual: Enhances focus and concentration.
How to Perform:
- Start on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Tuck your toes, lift your hips, and straighten your legs, forming an inverted V-shape.
- Press your palms into the ground, spreading your fingers wide, and engage your shoulders away from your ears.
Alignment Tip: Lengthen your spine by reaching your hips up and back while keeping your heels slightly lifted off the floor.
Modification: If you experience tight hamstrings or wrist discomfort, try keeping your knees slightly bent and focus on lifting your sitting bones towards the ceiling. The chest should be pulling towards the toes.
#4: Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
As its powerful name suggests, Warrior II fosters inner strength and courage, empowering you to face challenges with determination from the very beginning of your day.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Strengthens legs, glutes, and core, stretches hips and groins.
- Emotional: Builds confidence and inner strength.
- Energetic: Activates the root and sacral chakras, connecting to stability and creativity.
- Spiritual: Promotes a sense of openness and expansion.
How to Perform:
- Begin standing with your feet wide apart, arms parallel to the floor.
- Then, turn your right foot out and bend your right knee, keeping it directly over your ankle.
- Stretch your arms out to the sides, gaze over your right hand.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, with an awareness of breath, then repeat on the other side.
Alignment Tip: Make sure that your bent knee doesn’t go beyond your ankle to protect the knee joint. And remember to engage your core and open your chest up and forward.
Modification: If you have balance issues or knee discomfort, it can help to shorten your stance slightly, or use a wall or chair for support.
#5: Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Triangle Pose opens the heart and promotes deep breathing, helping to create a sense of balance, harmony and breath awareness that we can carry throughout our day.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Stretches hamstrings, hips, and spine, improves balance.
- Emotional: Creates a sense of stability and tranquility.
- Energetic: Opens the heart and throat chakras, enhancing communication.
- Spiritual: Promotes alignment and harmony.
How to Perform:
- Begin standing with feet wide apart. Then, turn your right foot out, and left foot slightly inwards.
- Extend your arms to shoulder height, bend to the right, and place your right hand on your shin or a block.
- Reaching your left arm toward the ceiling, gaze at your left hand.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.
#6: Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Enhancing focus and stability, Tree Pose sets the tone for a centered and grounded morning practice and can be the peak pose in your yoga sequence.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Improves balance and strengthens leg muscles.
- Emotional: Enhances focus and concentration, fosters a sense of rootedness.
- Energetic: Balances the Muladhara (root) chakra.
- Spiritual: Cultivates mindfulness and presence.
How to Perform:
- Standing with feet together, shift weight onto the left foot, and bend your right knee.
- Then, place the sole of your right foot on your left inner thigh or calf (avoid the knee joint).
- Bring your hands to prayer position at the heart center.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then repeat on the other side.
Alignment Tip: Keep pressing the foot into the leg and the leg into the foot to find stability. Oh, and, make sure to engage your core for balance and lengthen your spine.
Modification: If balancing on one leg is challenging, it can help to place the sole of your right foot on your left ankle or keep your toes touching the floor for support.
#7: Crow Pose (Bakasana)
Another member of the best morning yoga postures, the balance and strength required for this delicate pose foster self-confidence and concentration, encouraging a sense of accomplishment to carry throughout the day.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Strengthens arms and core, improves balance and concentration.
- Emotional: Builds self-confidence and courage.
- Energetic: Activates the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra, promoting empowerment.
- Spiritual: Encourages a sense of lightness and detachment.
How to Perform:
- Begin in a squat position with feet together and hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
- Bend your elbows slightly and place your knees on the back of your upper arms.
- Shifting your weight forward, engage your core, and lift your feet off the ground.
- Then, start by lifting one foot at a time, eventually lifting both feet off the ground.
- Hold for a few deep, steady breaths, then release back to a squat position.
Alignment Tip: Look slightly ahead at a fixed Drishti point to maintain balance and engage your core to support the pose. Keep your elbows bent and close to your body to really develop your balance.
Modification: If lifting both feet is challenging, start by lifting one foot off the floor at a time. Alternatively, place a cushion or folded blanket under your forehead to reduce the fear of falling.
#8: Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
Another light inversion, wheel pose opens the heart chakra and releases stored tension in and around the chest and lungs, leaving you feeling more open and emotionally light for the day.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Opens the chest and shoulders, strengthens the arms, legs, and back.
- Emotional: Releases stored emotions and promotes a sense of joy.
- Energetic: Expands the heart chakra, fostering love and compassion.
- Spiritual: Cultivates a sense of surrender and openness.
How to Perform:
- Begin lying on your back. Then, bend your knees, and place your feet flat on the floor hip-width apart, close to your buttocks.
- Now bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor beside your head, fingers pointing toward your shoulders.
- Press into your palms and feet, lift your hips, and arch your back to lift your chest off the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then gently lower yourself back to the floor.
Alignment Tip: Distribute the weight evenly between your hands and feet, and avoid straining your neck by keeping the back of your head lifted.
Modification: If full Wheel Pose is challenging, start with Bridge Pose by lifting your hips off the floor, but keeping your head and shoulders on the mat.
#9: Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
Half moon challenges balance and concentration, helping to wake up the body and mind with mindful movement – a perfect addition to your morning yoga postures.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Strengthens legs and ankles, improves balance and coordination.
- Emotional: Fosters determination and mental focus.
- Energetic: Balances the manipura (solar plexus) and svadhisthana (sacral) chakras.
- Spiritual: Enhances intuition and inner stability.
How to Perform:
- Start in Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) with your right leg in front.
- Then, place your right hand on a block or the floor, shift weight onto the right foot, and lift your left leg parallel to the floor.
- Extending your left arm toward the ceiling, gaze at your left hand.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then repeat on the other side.
Alignment Tip: Keep your bottom hip lifted and open while engaging your core to maintain balance. You can also try using a block under your right hand if needed to maintain stability.
Modification: I always recommend performing Half Moon Pose against a wall for support and stability at the beginning. For this, keep your back against the wall and use it to balance as you lift your leg and extend your arm.
#10: Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvijasana)
Symbolizing freedom, self-expression, and balance, Bird of Paradise inspires a sense of liberation and creativity as you start your day, so is amongst the best yoga poses for the morning.

Morning Benefits:
- Physical: Strengthens legs and core, increases flexibility in the hips and hamstrings.
- Emotional: Builds patience and focus.
- Energetic: Balances the Manipura (solar plexus) and Muladhara (root) chakras.
- Spiritual: Cultivates a sense of freedom and liberation.
How to Perform:
- Starting in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), shift weight onto your left foot, and bend your right knee.
- Then, hook your right arm under your right knee and clasp your hands behind your back.
- Straighten your right leg, slowly lift it up, and extend it forward.
- Now straighten your left leg, balancing on your left foot.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then repeat on the other side.
Alignment Tip: Keep lengthening your spine throughout this pose, and find stability in the standing leg before extending the lifted leg. Engaging your core also helps to support the posture.
Modification: Try using a strap to hold the lifted leg if reaching your hands together is challenging. It’s also useful to focus on the balance and opening the chest rather than fully straightening the lifted leg.
#11: Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)
Last but not least on our list of the best morning yoga postures in Peacock Pose. Purifying and strengthening the body, this pose provides a detoxifying and empowering start to your morning routine.

- Physical: Strengthens wrists, forearms, and abdomen, tones abdominal organs.
- Emotional: Builds self-confidence and willpower.
- Energetic: Activates the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra.
- Spiritual: Purifies and balances the body’s energies.
How to Perform:
- Kneel on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and fingers pointing toward your body.
- Lower your chest toward the floor, bringing your elbows close to your sides.
- Place your knees on the backs of your upper arms, balancing your weight on your hands and arms.
- Straighten your legs and lift your feet off the ground, engaging your core.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then slowly lower yourself down.
Alignment Tip: Try squeezing your elbows toward your spine and engage your core to lift your feet. Keep your gaze forward and finding a fixed drishti will help you maintain balance.
Modification: If you find it difficult to balance, instead of lifting both feet off the floor, practice the pose with one foot on the floor while engaging the core and the arms.
Further Reading
If you’ve enjoyed this article on morning yoga postures, check out our other morning yoga articles below: