Bow Pose, Dhanurasana, (Dha-Nu-Raa-Suh-Nuh)
dhanu (bow) + asana (pose)
Also known as: Urdva Chakrasana, Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana
Pose Type: Backbend, Stretching, Strengthening
Difficulty: Intermediate
Embody the shape of a bow and become a powerful ring of energy.
Bow Pose Fundamentals
Bow Pose is a wonderful backbend that wakes up the entire body.
When you practice Bow Pose, meditate on its name. As you take the shape of a bow, feel a powerful engagement throughout your entire body and channel the power of a taut bow, ready to be unleashed.
You may find yourself holding onto your breath in Bow Pose. Stay conscious of your breath and use it to soften and deepen into the pose.
Benefits of The bow pose
- Bow Pose can improve your posture and counteract the effects of sitting at a desk for extended periods of time.
- It is an excellent front body stretch, opening up the chest, abdominals, shoulders, hip flexors, and quads.
- Bow Pose strengthens the back body as you engage your back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings.
How To Do the bow pose: Step-By-Step
How To Get There:
1. Begin lying face down on your mat, pressing all ten of your toes down into the mat.
2. Bend your knees, keeping your toes active.
3. Reach back and grab the outer edges of your ankles with your hands.4. Inhale and lift your chest forwards, and your shoulders towards your ears.
5. Exhale and kick your legs back and into your hands. Clasp your feet or ankles firmly.
6. Extend upwards through the crown of your head. Feel your chest radiating forward.
7. Stay in a fierce bow for 5 deep breaths.
Tips And Tricks:
- If you find it difficult to lift your thighs up and away from the floor, give yourself a boost by beginning Bow Pose by resting your thighs on a rolled up blanket for support.
- If you find that your hip bones press down painfully on the mat in Bow Pose, use a folded blanket for support under your hips.

Bow Pose variation: Bow Pose with Ankle Grab
Instead of clasping the tops of your feet, try coming into a bow pose variation with an ankle hold.
This variation puts requires less spinal flexibility and, whilst being a fantastic pose in its own right, is the perfect stepping stone to a full expression of the pose.
Bow Pose variation: Bow Pose with strap
If you find it a challenge to reach back and grab your ankles, feel free to support yourself in this posture by using a yoga strap.
Simply loop the strap around the front of your ankles, so that your feet are inside the strap hold, and clasp on to the strap as you lift up into Bow Pose.
If you don’t have a yoga strap, don’t worry! You can use a belt, folded towel, or even a sweatshirt!

Precautions & Contraindications:
Do not practice Bow Pose when pregnant as the asana puts pressure on the belly.
Back and Neck Injuries:
If you suffer from back or neck injuries, it may be wise to avoid Bow Pose. However, listen to your body, come into it gently and with the use of props, and if you experience no pain or pinching sensations, you may be able to come into Bow Pose.
Related Poses
Preparatory Poses
Counter Poses
Wind-Relieving Pose

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