When your digestive system is going out of whack, it’s always an intelligent choice to resort to yoga. Yoga is a cost-effective method as compared to traditional medications.
Practicing yoga poses is a great way to get relief and lessen the chances of chronic constipation pain. Here, we look at the top ten yoga for bowel movement poses to get instant relief.
In this article, learn:
- How do yoga poses work to get your bowels moving?
- Benefits of yoga for bowel movement poses
- 10 yoga for bowel movement poses and how to practice
- Precautions and tips

How do yoga poses work to get your bowels moving?
The concept behind bowel movement yoga poses is rooted in the ancient principles of yoga. Ayurveda recognizes the importance of a healthy digestive system for overall health and vitality.
Among the 200+ yoga poses, a few yoga postures help promote optimal digestion and bowel movements.
Below, there are 10 yoga for bowel movement poses that work primarily by stimulating and massaging the digestive organs.
The stimulated organs facilitate better blood flow to the abdominal area and encourage smooth waste removal through the gastrointestinal tract. By practicing these poses, you can experience relief from constipation and bloating while fostering overall digestive well-being.
Yoga For Bowel Movements: Benefits Of The Practice
1. Stimulates Digestive Organs
Yoga for bowel movement poses involves targeting the abdominal region with twisting, stretching, and compressing movements.
As a result, these poses stimulate the digestive organs like the stomach, liver, and intestines to achieve better functioning.

2. Enhances Blood Circulation
The dynamic movements in the yoga for bowel movement poses improve blood circulation to the digestive organs. With the increased blood flow, more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the digestive system, which helps in digestion.
3. Helps in Constipation Relief
Yoga poses can help relieve constipation. The poses stimulate peristalsis (the rhythmic intestinal muscle contraction), encouraging a smoother passage of waste through the digestive tract.
4. Reduces Bloating and Gas
Regular practice of digestive yoga poses can alleviate bloating and gas by releasing trapped air and promoting the elimination of waste.
Twisting poses, in particular, aid in expelling excess gas from the digestive system.
5. Improves Nutrient Absorption
Asanas can significantly improve digestion. With improved digestion, the body’s ability to absorb the essential nutrients from your food also improves. The improved nutrient uptake helps support your body’s overall health and vitality.

6. Supports Weight Management
With efficient digestion and excretion, these yoga poses help maintain a healthy weight. The bowel movement exercises help prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body.
7. Boosts Metabolism
Some more active bowel movement poses can push the metabolic rate. A more efficient metabolism can enhance the body’s capability to break down food and convert nutrients into energy.
8. Enhances Core Strength
A lot of bowel movement yoga poses engage and strengthen the core muscles. A strong core supports better posture and stability, which, in turn, can improve digestion and reduce the risk of digestive issues.
10 Yoga For Bowel Movement Poses & How To Practice Them
1. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclining Spinal Twist)
Supta Matsyendrasana is a supine yoga pose (face upwards) that supports bowel movement.
The twisting motion creates a massage-like effect on the digestive system, and the pose also releases tension in the spine and back muscles. The spinal twist stimulates the abdominal organs and helps promote better digestion, relieving gas and constipation.
- Lie on your back and then bend your right knee, and bring it all the way across your body
- Extend your right arm to the side and turn your head to the right
- Hold, switch sides, and repeat
Best time: Evening
2. Crescent Twist
Crescent Twist combines a forward bend with a twist, improving digestion and bowel movement.
The twist stimulates digestive organs, while the forward bend boosts blood flow to the abdomen, promoting digestive function and reducing bloating.
- Step back with your right foot and move into a crescent lunge
- Bring your hands together in Anjali mudra at your heart center
- Take in inhale, on the exhale twist to your left, keeping your hips facing forward
- If you can, see if you can move your right elbow to the outside of your left knee
- Alternatively, you can keep your arms open in line with one another and twist to the side, instead of bringing the palms together in prayer
- Breathe deeply in this pose
- If you need to, you can drop your back knee
Best time: Morning

3. Pranayama (Breath Control Techniques)
Pranayama, or breath control techniques, supports healthy digestion and bowel movement.
Specific techniques, like Kapalabhati and Agni Pranayama, stimulate the digestive organs and enhance blood circulation.
This encourages optimal digestion, detoxification, and stress reduction. Regularly practicing Pranayama can foster a harmonious mind-body connection and promote a healthy gut.
For Kapalabhati, follow our full guide here.
For Agni Pranayama:
- Sit up straight with an upright spine
- Exhale forcefully through the mouth and focus on the abdominal contractions
- Practice both techniques for a few minutes on an empty stomach, gradually increasing the intensity
Combine pranayama with 10 yoga bowel movement poses for the best results.
Best time: Morning

4. Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Among the yoga for bowel movement poses, Balasana is a comforting yoga posture that aids digestion and bowel movement.
The gentle compression on the abdomen helps soothe digestive organs, reducing gas and bloating. It also relieves stress, which can impact digestion.
Balasana elongates the spine, alleviating lower back discomfort. It provides a nurturing and grounding experience for the body and mind.
- Start by getting on your hands and knees, then sit back on your heels, and fold your upper body over your knees.
- Place your forehead on the mat, relax your shoulders, and breathe deeply.
- For support, use a cushion or blanket between the buttocks and heels.
Best time: 1 hour (after eating)
5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Paschimottanasana, the Seated Forward Bend, is a yoga pose that aids digestion and bowel movement.
Folding forward compresses the abdomen, stimulating peristalsis for better bowel movements.
This pose also massages the digestive organs, improves blood flow, and relieves constipation discomfort. By practicing Paschimottanasana regularly, you can enhance digestion and support regularity.

- Sit with your legs extended in front of you
- Hinge forward from the waist and see if you can touch your feet. If you can’t touch your feet, allow your hands to fall anywhere on your legs without overstraining
- Hold for a few breaths, feeling the compression in your abdomen.
Best time: Morning
6. Halasana (Plow Pose)
Halasana, the Plow Pose, benefits digestion and bowel movement.
This inverted pose compresses the abdomen, stimulates digestive organs, and improves blood circulation. It stretches the back and spine, releases tension, and reduces stress.
The regular practice supports digestive health and promotes smooth bowel movements.
- Lie on your back, lift your legs over your head until your toes touch the ground behind you.
- If you are not able to reach the toes to the floor, keep your hands on your lower back for support. If your toes are touching the ground, you can release your hands to the floor, and extend your arms towards the back of your mat.
- Hold for a few breaths, feeling the stretch and compression.
- To release, roll your spine down slowly.
- Practice with caution, preferably on an empty stomach, and avoid this exercise if you are pregnant.
Best time: Morning

7. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
Vajrasana is a simple bowel movement yoga pose that helps in digestion.
Kneeling and sitting back on your heels stimulate digestive organs and enhance blood flow to the abdominal area. Practicing Vajrasana after meals can aid post-meal digestion, reduce bloating, and relieve constipation.
- Kneel with your knees together and sit back on your heels.
- Place hands on thighs or in the lap with palms facing up.
- Breathe deeply, holding the pose for a few minutes.
- Use a cushion or blanket for knee comfort if needed.
Vajrasana suits all ages and fitness levels and can be done after meals or anytime for grounding and digestive support.
Best time: After meals
8. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana, a backbend, benefits digestion and bowel movement. Arching the spine stretches the abdominal region, stimulating digestive organs and enhancing blood circulation.
The practice of this pose can provide relief from constipation while simultaneously reducing stress levels.

- To do the Cobra Pose, lie on your stomach and put your arms under your shoulder, and lift the upper body while keeping the pelvis grounded.
- Hold for a few breaths, feeling the stretch and activation.
- Release with an exhale.
- For optimal results, do the Cobra pose on an empty stomach or after a few hours of your meals. As you gain mastery, gradually increase the duration of the pose.
Best time: Morning
9. Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)
Wind-Relieving Pose, or Pawanmuktasana, stimulates the abdomen to release any gas trapped inside the intestines.
With a hugging knee to the chest, the Pawanmuktasana massages the digestive organs and ensures optimal blood circulation. The gentle compression involved in the pose against the chest can also relieve your lower back discomfort and loosen the spinal vertebrae.
- To practice this pose, lie down in a supine yoga pose
- Bend one knee, and press it against your chest with the help of your hands
- Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides
- As a variation, you can hug both knees together; once done, release your legs and lie flat on the back
Best time: Morning
10. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana, helps relieve menstrual discomfort and constipation.
The back arch in this position massages the abdominal region, which aids digestion and alleviates constipation-related issues. It also helps in stress reduction. Regular practice of Dhanurasana promotes optimal digestive health and strengthens the back muscles.

- Lie down on your stomach and keep your feet apart
- After that, bend your knees and reach behind you to hold your ankles
- Then slowly lift your chest and thighs off the floor, forming an arch with your back.
- Hold the position for a few breaths and then release; gradually increase the duration as you progress.
Best time: Morning
10 Yoga For Bowel Movement Poses: Precautions and Tips
Regular practice of these yoga for bowel movement poses and adequate hydration are essential for optimal results. It is always recommended to practice bowel movement yoga on an empty stomach and avoid overexertion.
Poses involving inversions may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with digestive issues, so it is advised to seek the assistance of a medical practitioner.
Be patient with progress and remember that bowel movement yoga complements medical treatment but is in no way a replacement for it.
Yoga For Bowel Movement Poses: Concluding Thoughts
Practicing these poses can prove to be very beneficial for your digestive health. These poses can help in blood circulation and relieve constipation by stimulating the digestive organs.
What exercise may work for someone may not work for you, so it is advised that you try each of the given exercises to choose the best yoga pose.
Before you proceed to perform these bowel movement exercises, be sure to follow the instructions and have a look at the asana pages that we’ve linked.
Even a slight modification can end up giving you more inconvenience rather than relief, so it’s good to practice these under supervision.
My personal experience is yoga is a best teacher in our generation. No medicine, no side effects. Sincerity should be one within self. As a result life long student of yoga. Yoga increases life span without health problems. It should be introduced in each and every school. It will give good effects on student studies. Their performance will be outstanding. They will do well in their careers.