Accomplished Pose, Siddhasana, (sid-DHAH-san-nah)
siddha (perfect) + asana (pose)
Also Known as: Auspicious Pose, Swastikasana, Cross Pose, Svastikasana, Prosperous Pose, Siddhasana, Siddhi’s Pose, Perfect Pose
Pose Type: Seated
Difficulty: Beginner

It is said this pose will bring liberation if paired with meditation and consistency.
Accomplished Pose Fundamentals
Accomplished Pose is a beginner-friendly seated yoga asana, and its name comes from the Sanskrit word Siddhasana. Siddha translates to accomplished, but also perfect, so it is also known as Perfect Pose.
The asana is mainly used for meditation, so it’s sometimes also called Liberation Pose, as sitting in it and meditating for long periods of time may bring liberty to the practitioner.
This reference comes from the 10th-century text Gorakha Sataka where the pose was first described. There, it was written that this pose may help one free their mind, just like the Lotus Pose.
Later, Accomplished Pose was also mentioned in the renowned 15th-century text Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which called it the king of all asanas, and said it can open the door to enlightenment. It also states the pose may detoxify the 72,000 nadis or energy channels in the body.
Just like the previous records, the 17th-century text Gheranda Samhita also proposes meditation in this asana may lead one to freedom.So, following these instructions, we can conclude this is one of the best meditation poses, and you can include it whenever a yoga instructor tells you to find a comfortable seat. You can also use it in your own meditation and pranayama practice.
Sitting in this pose for longer periods of time won’t only affect you spiritually, it will also help improve your posture, by lengthening the spine, hips, shoulders, and chest. Try practicing it regularly, and with time it will become much easier to hold.
Accomplished Pose & Energetics
If you are working on opening your chakras, you can use Accomplished Pose with your Third Eye Chakra activation practices.
It is said you may feel an even greater effect on this energy center if you pair the pose with Gyan Mudra. Working with the Third Eye Center can help you develop your perception, intuition, and consciousness.
Accomplished Pose Benefits
- Lengthens and opens the hips, ankles, knees, hamstrings, and spine.
- By encouraging you to keep your back upright, it can help improve your posture with regular practice.
- Releases stress and anxiety, and improves your sense of relaxation, self-esteem, and well-being.
- May help spiritual seekers in achieving a deeper state of meditation.
- Relaxes the nervous system, which calms the mind and may improve your focus and concentration.
- Unblocks the flow of prana in the body, especially when paired with breathing exercises.
How To Do Accomplished Pose: Step-By-Step
How To Get There:
1. Begin sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your arms placed by your sides in Staff Pose. If you usually prop your hips on a cushion for Staff Pose, do the same preparation for Accomplished Pose.
2. Bend your right knee, open it to the side, and place your heel close to your groin.
3. Now bend the left knee as well, and place it in front of the right ankle. Lift the left foot and place it on top of the right ankle.
4. The toes of the left foot should sit in the space between the right calf and thigh. Placing the foot in this way will help you gain stability in the pose.
5. Place your hands on your knees. Try to keep the knees on the floor.
6. Use each inhale to further elongate your spine and lift your crown towards the ceiling. Gaze forward with eyes open or close.
7. Hold the pose for one minute, or longer if you’re using it for meditation. Alternate the foot that’s in front in the middle of your practice.

Tips And Tricks:
- Siddhasana is a meditative posture, and it’s best to practice it in the morning hours or whenever you feel calm, undisturbed, and feel like you’re in the right environment to move your focus inward. You can also use it for pranayama or meditation practice after your yoga session.
- Learn the pose under the supervision of a teacher if you feel unsure of the alignment. Even if you learn alone, make sure you’re entering it slowly, making sure you are performing it with proper alignment.
- Although your knees should ideally touch the floor, don’t force it. They’ll naturally come down as you progress in your practice and develop your flexibility.
- Since you’re not doing anything specific with your hands in this pose, it can be an ideal time to practice hasta/hand mudras. Go through our library of hand mudras to find the one that best fits your needs and situation.
- Props are encouraged in this pose as they can help you find perfect alignment, especially if you plan to hold it for time. Read our variation ideas below to find a modification that works for you.
Accomplished Pose Variations:
With Props
You can make this asana more comfortable by using props.
For example, if you feel discomfort in your hips or lower back, and struggle to keep your back straight, it usually means your hips still need to open up.
In this case, place a folded blanket or a cushion below your hips, so you raise them over your knees. Prop yourself as high as you need to feel comfortable in the pose.
If you can’t touch the floor with your knees, you can also prop them with a blanket. Finally, if you feel pain in the ankles, you can place a piece of fabric between them to alleviate discomfort.
Easy Pose

For some students, the Accomplished Pose may cause cramps or pain in the ankles and discomfort in the hips. If props don’t help you, or you don’t have any by your side, you can replace the asana with Easy Pose.
For Easy Pose, you will also begin in Staff Pose. Then, bend your leg, so the right foot is under the left thigh, and the left foot is under the right thigh.
The cross of the leg should happen at mid-calf, and not the ankles. Your feet should touch the floor at their outer edge and the toes should point forward. Keep your spine straight, and prop your hips on a cushion if needed.
Half-Accomplished Pose
Half-Accomplished Pose or Ardha Siddhasana is another easier alternative for this pose. It’s a great alternative to begin opening your hips for the full variation of the pose.
For Ardha Siddhasana, you will place one ankle in front of the other instead of on top of it, which will slightly lessen the stretch in your hips.
Precautions & Contraindications:
Common misalignments
Practicing with only one leg. We are all more open on one side than the other, but we should still strive to practice hip-opening poses on both sides. With time, we will balance out our flexibility, but don’t worry if you’re able to enter the pose deeper on one side than the other in the beginning.
Forcing the knees to the floor. In the full expression of Accomplished Pose, the knees are glued to the floor. However, if you have tighter hips or discomfort in your knees, don’t force this to happen. Instead, only go as far down as you can without feeling discomfort.
Rounding the back. Lack of mobility in the hips can also lead to rounding in the lower back. To overcome this, prop your hips up on a cushion and practice against a wall for more support.
Injuries and Condition
Siddhasana is not recommended for students who suffer from sciatica or sacral pain and infections. It is also best to avoid the pose if you suffer from arthritis, or have an injury in the hips, knees, or ankles.
Related Poses
Preparatory Poses:
Bound Angle Pose
Cradle Pose
Shoelace Pose
Counter Poses:

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