Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

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Cat Pose, Marjaryasana, (Mar-jar-YAH-sun-ah)

marjary (cat) + āsana (pose)

Pose Type: Restorative, Core Activating, Back Pain, Sciatica, Stretching

Difficulty: Beginner

cat pose

Create space and movement in your spine and shoulders with a centering cat pose.

cat Pose Fundamentals

Find Cat Pose and its counter pose Cow Pose in a Cat-Cow sequence at the beginning of a Vinyasa flow for a full body warm up and to gently awaken your spine for the practice.

Why the name? Have you ever seen a cat stretch?

Cat Pose allows us to work on our shoulder protraction, a movement that brings your shoulders forward and spreads your scapulae across your back.

Strong shoulder protraction is a foundational movement type within any yoga practice. You’ll find it when stepping through between your hands when coming out of a Downward Facing Dog, or when coming into arm balances such as Crane or Crow pose.

Tap into and connect with the natural curvature and movement of your spine in Cat Pose to balance the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Cat Pose Benefits

  • Creates space in the back body, stretching the back muscles
  • Is a great counter pose for backbends
  • Warms up the spine

How To Do Cat Pose: Step-By-Step

cat cow pose

1. Begin on all fours – ankles directly beneath shoulders and hips directly above knees, toes untucked. This is Table Top Pose.

2. On an exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling engaging your core, drawing your belly button up towards your spine.

3. Drop the crown of your head towards the mat and press down through your hands, creating a broadness in your shoulder blades.

4. To come out of Cat Pose, release the posture, coming into a neutral spine Tabletop position.

annotated image of a woman doing yoga's cat pose

Variation: Cat Pose with forearms on blocks

a picture of a woman in cat pose with her forearms resting on blocks

If you suffer from wrist or hand complications, this variation is for you. Simply come onto two blocks with your forearms.

Preparatory Poses

Tabletop Pose

Child’s Pose

Counter Poses

Cow Pose

Cobra Pose

yogajala break 1000 × 40 px 1

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Photo of author
Maria Andrews is a 200h Registered Yoga Teacher, long distance runner, and adventure lover.

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