Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

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Cow Pose, Bitilasana, (Bit-ill-AH-sun-ah)

bitila (cow) + āsana (pose)

Also known as: Dog Tilt Pose

Pose Type: Backbend, Seated, Pregnancy

Difficulty: Beginner

photo of a woman in black yoga clothes doing cow pose

Gently warm up your spine with a soothing cow pose.

cow Pose Fundamentals

Cow Pose is a simple backbend pose, which is most often paired with Cat Pose (Marjaryasana), to build a Cat-Cow sequence.

Practice a Cat-Cow sequence at the beginning of a Vinyasa flow for a full body warm-up and to gently awaken your spine for the practice.

an annotated image of a woman wearing black yoga clothes doing cow pose

Benefits of The cow Pose

  • Awakens the body and warms up the spine
  • Calms you down
  • Front body stretch

How To Do The cow Pose: Step-By-Step

gif of a woman doing cat cow pose on a yoga mat

1. Begin on all fours – ankles directly beneath shoulders and hips directly above knees, toes untucked. This is Tabletop Pose.

2. As you inhale, reach your tailbone up towards the sky, arch your spine, gaze upwards, and drop your belly down towards the mat.

3. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and breathe deeply.

Variation: Cow Pose with forearms on blocks

a woman doing cow pose with her forearms resting on yoga blocks

If you suffer from wrist or hand complications, this variation is for you. Simply come onto two blocks with your forearms.

Cat-Cow Pose

Tabletop Pose

Preparatory Poses

Seal Pose

Sphinx Pose

Baby Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

Counter Poses

Cat Pose

Childs Pose

yogajala break 1000 × 40 px 1

For more in-depth asana resources, check out our free Yoga Pose Library. Here you’ll find complete guides to each and every yoga asana to deepen your yoga knowledge.

Each pose page features high-quality photos, anatomy insights, tips and tricks, pose instructions and queues, asana variations, and preparatory and counter poses.

Photo of author
Maria Andrews is a 200h Registered Yoga Teacher, long distance runner, and adventure lover.

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